Search found 20 matches

Re: cheapweed,ca sent me an empty box

super fucking concerned about the whole situation I've talked to tony several times this i have 2 orders stuck in the mail lost one with the empty box fiasco early this week, one order in the mail is a replacement for that order that hasnt been shipped yet for what i assume is the postal issues tony...

6 month review of

so 6 months in with these guys and nothing but smiles from myself and my customers all of the product i have recieved has been top shelf, no issues to date with shipping times or anything of the sort, and the customer service kicks ass they've accomodated all of my larger purchases even streamlining...

Re: budget strains $1150-$1400 pound reviews

20180920_131357.jpg the $1150/p super kush was a little fresh and smelled unimpressive, much better when ground up and smoked fantastic though, and the tonys blue ocean i believe also at 1150/p smelled great smoked nice but the buds had poor bag appeal a little airy and fresh, on the flip side tony... budget strains $1150-$1400 pound reviews

well ill start this off by saying I've tried a bunch of mom sites with varried results in quality shipping times and customer service, the people at cheapweed take the cake though certainly if you are buying in bulk i live in the middle of the country and their shipping times are epic the weed is ph...

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