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Trunk Funk - EastCoastEmeralds - End of January 2021

Note: Free sample

Quality: 9.0/10

Value: N/A

More pictures: https://imgur.com/a/WAreBgD

Another great looking product here with indeed funky shaped medium to big nugs that are made of very dark purple lumps clustered together creating an odd but aesthetically pleasant chubby structure. Density is a bit fluffy and the trimming and moisture are ok. As you rotate and look closely, you can see the very bright and long trichomes in the little clusters gaps.

Very light whiff of brown coffee beans merged with a more robust but fresh lemon zest scent. There is a subtle and hard to describe spicy smell too like dill or licorice, didn’t put my finger on to be honest.

Rich and nutty taste paired with pungent earthness bringing a luscious aroma palette. Immense thick clouds of smoke are done easily with the welcome smoothness. More salt than pepper ash.

After half a bong I took a 5 minutes break to do something else and when I came back I was feeling that “melting face” feeling along with eyes starting to weight a ton. I am an experienced long time smoker and still found myself being stuck at staring my keyboard for a long time just “trying” to put words on the spirit I was in and ended with nothing lol. Had to came back a (nap included) to complete this review. If you look for something to totally disconnect from a long day, then you found it. Very-Strong potency. AAAA