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Lavender - Gold Dreams - February

*This strain was part of a package sent by Gold Dreams in exchange for an honest review.

*They also provided me with a personal discount code to share offering 30$ off "Hype30"

This weed had an overall dark purple look to it with an even layer of noticeable crystals covering making for a very pretty bud. There were also whispy dark brown hairs over the bud with some green leaves that were still present. Most of the leaves were trimmed tighter to the bud although a few were a bit longer. Overall the buds were nice and it wasnt a terrible trim but could have been a bit better.

Smell it gave off was floral mixed with a light creaminess. Not overly pungent but was fresh smelling and had a nice presense with interesting notes. After cracking the nug the smell developed a bit and was a decent amount more pungent and recieved a slight "funk" added on to its original smell.

Ground to a good moisture and was at an even fluffy consistency that rolled nicely. This smoked at a pretty good smoothness burning with a near white ash.

Taste on this was similar to the nose mainly getting a nice floral taste with that creaminess coming in very faintly on the exhale as a finish along with some woodiness.

The high on this was mainly heady giving a lightly spacey feel with boosted euphoria. All this was tied together with a nice relaxation. About 45 minutes into the buzz the relaxation sits in a bit more and translates into feeling slightly dopey although you would still be able to function with this strain.

Quality: 8.3