First thing I began to notice as I started smoking was that I unfortunately didnt get enough air flow when taking puffs. Took away from the enjoyability because I wasnt able to always get as much smoke as I would have liked, only improving a bit halfway through the joint.
It was however a really smooth smoke with very little harshness and a solid taste. Somewhat piney with hints of spice and a floral overtone, after each exhale noticing a bit of a lingering flavour.
The high on this started building up half way into the joint. It offered a blissful sativa buzz that made everything seem more vibrant. Very content high with no burnout at all. Felt very worry free and even though I could function I still actually felt a strong head buzz that was at a medium high potency. Very nice high.
This is my first time reviewing a pre roll so I have a hard time on deciding what I should give it for quality. Just note that the weed itself had no issues and I actually enjoyed the strain, although the bad airflow was definitely an issue and in the end it is sold as a pre roll.
Quality: 6.5