The Harmony Collective is a very small, tight-knit community of island growers who have come together to provide safe, pesticide-free and only organically grown cannabis to the medical community.
We believe strongly in the benefits of medical cannabis and uphold very strict cultivation techniques. Our mission is to provide the highest quality organic cannabis at a very reasonable price to our clients.
We do not resell marijuana from growers outside of our collective. We are the cultivators and we know exactly what has gone in and not gone in to our cannabis.
All Harmony Collective growers have small and very manageable grow scenes. Bugs and pests are virtually non-existent due to extreme care and cleanliness practices. We not spray our cannabis with harmful pesticides or fungicides and utilize old school organic growing techniques which eliminate the use of all synthetic fertilizers.
Cannabis purchased from the harmony Collective, is purchased directly from the grower. There is no middlemen involved.
Long ago, our growers got their start growing strains like Texada Timewarp and Purple Pineberry in the swamps around Vancouver Island. Every summer, a long outdoor marijuana eradication program would take place, often resulting in most crops being discovered by authorities. Marijuana was not as common, and definitely not as favoured by the majority of people. Over time, the health benefits of the plant became very apparent, and slowly sprouted a great medical community of people who felt the right to access cannabis in a safe way. Small indoor grow scenes sprouted up hidden in basements with boarded-up Windows. A maximum two to four lights was considered a fairly big operation at the time. Dangerous cancer-causing chemicals to battle spider mite infestations and powdery mildew outbreaks were not available. Very clean growing techniques and manageable operations were key to one success in preventing crop failing problems.
Over the last several years, medical licenses have been given out left right and Center. It is not uncommon to hear about 200 light warehouses, which are producing huge amounts of marijuana solely for the purpose of profit. Along with profit comes problems such as harmful chemicals which need to be sprayed in order to manage outbreaks of pests and disease. It is common practice for dispensaries who resell marijuana purchased from middlemen, to have to pay to test their products to ensure that they are not selling contaminated marijuana.
Code Of Ethics:
Our small community of growers solemnly swear and agree to our strict code of ethics which are outlined as follows:
We agree to not provide products that we believe are any health risk to anyone and would gladly consume all of the products we provide.
We guarantee to not spray our products with any type of pesticide or fungicide.
We agree to only use certified organic or Omri Certified products as means to providing our plants with natural elements for plant growth.
Growing organically is completely different than growing synthetically. Synthetic fertilizers are providing and essentially dead medium with chemicals in which the plant needs to synthesize in order to reproduce cells to create growth and fruits. Organic growing on the other hand is quite the opposite. Natural bacteria and living enzymes break down natural elements to naturally provide the same elements in an organic form for the plants uptake to provide fruits and growth. Not only is organic growing safer and healthier for consumers, it is also not as harmful to the environment, due to the vast amounts of contaminated soil that must be disposed of after each crop. When you grow organically, you reuse your soil and just build the soil up with new organic elements for decomposition. It is not wasteful, and the building process of the soil becomes better and better over time. Plants are much more healthy, and naturally Pest and disease resistant.
We feel our prices are set in a fair manner which provides us with a viable business, while passing on the savings to our customers. People shouldn’t have to pay huge amounts of money to access clean and healthy medicine. We do not have a physical storefront, and so we do not have a huge overhead like many of the other dispensaries. We choose to do this to keep our product prices as low as possible for our customers. We also do not Middle or resell cannabis. When you purchase our products, they are purchased directly from the farmers in our collective. They are not marked up at all.
Because we are one of the only online dispensaries offering 100% organic product at such a reasonable rate, our products do not stay on the shelf very long. We constantly have fresh stock all the time. We update our pictures with every single batch that we make available. You can be sure that the picture you are looking at, is exactly what you will receive.
Because we are trying to provide our customers with the lowest prices for their medicine, and we know and guarantee that none of our products have been sprayed with any harmful pesticides or chemicals, we do not currently feel the need to test our products to prove that they are free from harmful contaminants. Our growers only provide products under a strict code of ethics. Our code of ethics can be read on our site and above.
We do however test for potency, and these test results are done on every batch and updated according to each crop. We do plan on providing turpentine profiles in the near future as our company grows.
Our growers all cure their product in the same high quality procedure: Each plant is carefully cut at the base and full plants are hung dried for up to 3 weeks in an air-conditioned room at 60% humidity. Once the plant has become to the proper state, it is carefully hand trimmed dry. No machines are used nor is any trimming done when the plant is fresh.
We do have an online store, but it is not open to just anybody. We absolutely want to make sure that our products do not get into the hands of any youth. You can apply to access our private store by sending a message on our web form along with your ID.