Grass Chief 🔥🔥🔥 New Drops & Deals 💰 God’s Green Crack Smalls – AAAA
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:37 am
New Drops
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Effects: Energetic, Euphoric, Talkative
Taste: Woody, Lime, Spicy, Herbal
Medical Use: Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Grade: AAAA
THC: 15%
CBG: 1%
New GC Deals
Grass Chief Points
The GC Points System is here. Why not earn savings every time you shop! $1 = 1 point. Every 100 points earned equals $1 discount, so easy!!!
Buy Now
Effects: Energetic, Euphoric, Talkative
Taste: Woody, Lime, Spicy, Herbal
Medical Use: Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Grade: AAAA
THC: 15%
CBG: 1%
New GC Deals
Grass Chief Points
The GC Points System is here. Why not earn savings every time you shop! $1 = 1 point. Every 100 points earned equals $1 discount, so easy!!!