Visual/Texture - with a quick glance, it would appear there's only three different colors, until further inspection reveals the minor difference between hues. Soft chewable little cubes, virtually the same size, and shaped formations. When opening the pack, you are blasted by a fruit punch blend, a scented combination comprised of all the smells wrapped into ince magnificent aroma
Flavor - deliciously flavored blocks, soft, and sticky with the five different flavored varieties. Bright Orange - Mango, Maroon - Raspberry, deep Purple - Grape, lighter Green - Lime, and the slightly darker tinged Green - Apple. Tasting great while chewing, and no unwanted flavoring surfacing anytime beyond consumption
Potency - each cube is packing a 10mg tag with it, and the bag comes with an even 200mgs inside. I split the entire bag with the wife for a nice 100mg flight. Taking on heavy eyes, and a solid body stone that sent pure relaxation over it. Motivation completely ceasing on the spot, with a blissful mood altering, and strong headed euphoria all kicking in. An enjoyable dosage to close off the night with some eventual sleep assistance taking place

Visual/Texture - each package comes with ten wiggly worms inside, colored up identical to the classic candy worms that we've all got are hands on at one point or another. Evenly distributed coloring on an assortment of three different flavors, easily distinguishable, and a light brushing of sour sugar over top of each for minimal stickiness
Flavor - soft with an easily chewable form, leaving no residue left on your teeth, and no gross taste left to surface after downing. Each with a dual flavored combination of it's own taste, being red/yellow tasting like a strawberry/lemon mix, orange/green having a orange citrus/apple taste, and the blue/red pairing flavored like a blue raspberry/strawberry duo. Each tasting identical to the non dosed up counterparts but bringing the results which are better than a sugar buzz
Potency - at 20mg per crawler, getting that floating feeling with a handful of these little dudes, leaving only the stone to be the next thing to creep up on you. Over the duration of the next while, you feel your eyes slowly get heavy, and surges of euphoria settle over you. Eventually the high making its way over your entire body, sending it into a full on state of relaxation. Like always, a good dose of edibles proving to be a stellar choice for an evening consumption, leaving you with a solid night sleep