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Carribean Fish * Cannafirm * March

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 4:08 pm
by DB420
Brand - Caribbean Fish by Kootenay Candy Co

Visual/Texture - custom mylar package containing ten of these fresh fishes, with an identical replication to the classic sour fish candies. Soft textured gummies, split evenly down the middle each having their own color distribution, assorted over the three different flavor options being easily distinguishable, finished by a light dusting of citric sugar surrounding each

Flavor - easily chewed with their soft textured consistency, perfectly balanced blend of sweet with sour. Sporting an exterior that's coated in a sweet citrus flavoring. Initially hitting the sourness, once dissolved transforming into its sweet fruit candied tart taste, finishing off a little bitter

Potency/Effects - these accurately dosed carribean candies, swimming on 20mg each. Receiving an elevated feeling after a tossing a few fish back, having the effects easing in around the 40 minute mark. A heaviness takes hold on the eyes, while a euphoric influx completely heightens the mood. The high then travelling its way across the body, sending you into a full on state of relaxation, flowing with a sense of relief. Light enough to down during daytime, with a bit higher dose always being preferred entering the evening