Cheebas $250 credit Contest

Hey Guys and Gals now that things have calmed down a bit we'd like to start doing monthly contests with you. This month to start off we will be having a picture submission contest, with the theme of your favorite fall smoke sesh spot.

Rules are pretty simple:
- 1 entry per user
- Random winner, we will use the app that's been used before on Cmom
- Contest will close out November 30th at 9 am and the winner will be given a $250 credit for Cheebas

Looking forward to seeing the beauty of our wonderful Country in fall. Happy Smoking!

Let's keep the picture submissions on the fourm unless the mods want other wise.



Discord10 will get you 10% off any order over $100
Last edited by Cheebas on Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.