VapeCity 40% off Webstore + 15% off affiliate COUPON

Hey guys!

Hope you're all doing well!
To celebrate VAPE CITY VANCOUVER opening July 1st we are offering a 40% off coupon for our webstore. (Only valid from 04 20 2020 - 04 25 2020)

Opt in to our email list then shoot me an email here for a 15% off KingTuts coupon only valid after 04 19 2020;
vapecityvancouver @

If you are in the Downtown West Vancouver Area and looking for work at our new location we are always accepting resumes.
We are currently looking for 2 fulltime employees for web fulfillment orders until July 1st. After that you must demonstrate a strong sales ability :)
Please apply in person with a resume under the door or forward to the email above!
Looking forward to meeting you.