A place for MoM's to show off pics or vids of their killer product.
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Tang Breath
Tang Breath
Tang Breath 2.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 721 times
Probably the best product we have ever produced ourselves. We started this Pheno Hunt over a year ago. We had a huge struggle with this round of babies for a magnitude of reasons, lots of the Pheno's went hermy on us and constant power outages didn't make the situation any better. It was well worth it though, at the end of the day we ended up getting our famously fruity Tropic Truffle along with this beauty... Tang Breath. This plant looked absolutely pathetic in week 5 of flower and then BAM! Week 8 came along and it exploded in an array of purples and white calyxes, the majority of the weight didn't come through until right at the end. A very interesting specimen.
Blue Guava
Blue Guava
Blue Guava.jpg (1.95 MiB) Viewed 721 times
Another one of our favourites! This Sativa leaning Hybrid is one of a kind. It's sticky and STINKY! The Terpene profile of this flower is almost identical to a Moby Dick or a Super Lemon Haze, except there is hints of blueberry when busted up. Flowering this strain is always a treat since it does exactly what you want it to. The canopy is FLAT without any training and even in week 4 the buds almost look developed enough to harvest (not that we did).
El Jefe Smalls
El Jefe Smalls
El Jefe Smalls 2.jpg (1.59 MiB) Viewed 721 times
The BEST smalls we have ever seen. These smalls come from a friend of ours in Whistler BC. The Big nugs are the best gas we've ever seen... Unfortunately they are simply too expensive for us to put on our site! Hopefully these do the trick instead!
Tang Breath
Tang Breath
Tang Breath 2.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 721 times
Purple, well priced, nice nugs - Can't go wrong.
Purple Space Cookies
Purple Space Cookies
Purple Space Cookies 2 .jpg (1.88 MiB) Viewed 722 times
El Jefe Smalls
El Jefe Smalls
El Jefe Smalls 2.jpg (1.59 MiB) Viewed 722 times
Blue Guava
Blue Guava
Blue Guava.jpg (1.95 MiB) Viewed 722 times
Tang Breath
Tang Breath
Tang Breath 2.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 722 times