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Moby Dick, MK Ultra, Gelato, Blackberry, Ayahuasca Purple | NOW IN STOCK | Save 20%

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:25 pm
by Cannabis Kings
Moby Dick
MK Ultra
Ayahuasca Purp

Guys we got some more exotic fire this weeekend for a limited time only. Save 20% on new accounts with NEW20 code and free shipping over $100!

Re: Moby Dick, MK Ultra, Gelato, Blackberry, Ayahuasca Purple | NOW IN STOCK | Save 20%

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:28 pm
by Cannabis Kings
If there is new strains anyone loves or would like to see, we can bring it to you at the best rates, let us know below!