I was cleaning out one of my vaporizer tubes and pushed a stick through it to remove the screen, directly down at the table, so that the stick would sandwich the screen and table and keep it from flying off. When I picked the tube up, the screen was gone. I then tore apart the room trying to find out what happened to it, to no avail. Now we're not filthy stoners so we sweep the floor every week, etc. It's been about a month since that happened, and today I finally found the screen, two rooms away, through a door, in the middle of the porch.
Yesterday I dropped a D20, and couldn't find it anywhere. Today I found it, it was sitting visibly in the middle of the rug, not underneath any overhang.
My theories so far include ghosts, fairies, me just derping, my cat, and reality is a simulation.
Share your weird happenings if you want!
Re: Weird happenings
2Kinda not related, but I got two fishing stories and a quad story for you and I swear, I shit you not.
First one was about 15 years ago, I was on an ATV run with some friends. I had a Yamaha Grizzly back then, a 4x4 that can pretty much go through any kinda shit. So we end up at a spot where there's a small creek that's pretty deep in a ditch (like 4-5' high banks, but with only like 1.5' deep water running a bit wild. We're miles from the closest lake or river, on the side of an highway. One of my buddies goes first, it's a close call, the bank on the other side is very steep and he almost falls backwards. Each of us pass, one by one, I'm the last... I do my thing and successfully land on the other side and stop to savor my victory and I hear flip flopping coming from my quad. I look down and there's a 2.5" tiny baby smallmouth bass on my footrest, flip flopping around. Se saved the little buddy by putting it back in the stream.
Another time, with the same ATV, went for a small early evening drive to a local lake we have and come back home. During the last 5 minutes stretch, I hear my quad squeaking like crazy, I figured a bearing or seal must be shot or something. When I get home, the squeaking is intensifying and louder... so I stop my ATV in the driveway with the intention of inspecting it to find what's up, turn off the engine... and the squeaking does not stop. I remove my helmet and look around and found out I had hit a tiny bird while going through the bush. The grill in front of that model was made of a bunch of tiny hexagons and the poor little fella had got his head stuck into one of them and could not pull out and had been chirping for his dear life. I removed him and let him go.
Last but not least, I have a hard time believing it myself to this day. Went fishing with my eldest son when he was like 8 years old. Brought him to a fishing lake where there's a lot of trout. Now this lake is about 3 miles long, 500' wide on average and there are spots which are 150' deep, entrenched in the mountains in northern Quebec. My kid is always hungry, so I brought snacks on the boat so we could last 'til noon before we need to leave the lake for a proper meal. After an hour on the lake, little buddy is hungry so I give him a pack of "Trail mix", a mix of nuts and dried fruits. He eats like 3/4 of it and asks me if he can throw the rest in the lake.. I'm like sure, don't throw the paper, but the nuts and fruits won't hurt anything.. and so he does. The day goes on, we go out to lunch, come back, keep fishing. Kid is uninterested, he didn't catch a single one, was a slow day (I got like 5-6). On the last pass while heading back to the dock, we both get our lines tangled and stuck at the bottom, so we mess around to get them unstuck, success, we bring them back. I shit you not, his worm is gone, but on the tip of his hook there was a dried raisin perfectly planted there. You'd think the little bastard put it there himself, but he was afraid silly of hooks and worms, so no way he played a trick on me and the spot were we got stuck is pretty much exactly where he had dumped the trail mix 6 hours earlier.
First one was about 15 years ago, I was on an ATV run with some friends. I had a Yamaha Grizzly back then, a 4x4 that can pretty much go through any kinda shit. So we end up at a spot where there's a small creek that's pretty deep in a ditch (like 4-5' high banks, but with only like 1.5' deep water running a bit wild. We're miles from the closest lake or river, on the side of an highway. One of my buddies goes first, it's a close call, the bank on the other side is very steep and he almost falls backwards. Each of us pass, one by one, I'm the last... I do my thing and successfully land on the other side and stop to savor my victory and I hear flip flopping coming from my quad. I look down and there's a 2.5" tiny baby smallmouth bass on my footrest, flip flopping around. Se saved the little buddy by putting it back in the stream.
Another time, with the same ATV, went for a small early evening drive to a local lake we have and come back home. During the last 5 minutes stretch, I hear my quad squeaking like crazy, I figured a bearing or seal must be shot or something. When I get home, the squeaking is intensifying and louder... so I stop my ATV in the driveway with the intention of inspecting it to find what's up, turn off the engine... and the squeaking does not stop. I remove my helmet and look around and found out I had hit a tiny bird while going through the bush. The grill in front of that model was made of a bunch of tiny hexagons and the poor little fella had got his head stuck into one of them and could not pull out and had been chirping for his dear life. I removed him and let him go.

Re: Weird happenings
4Each time I tell that one, I think to myself everyone must think I'm full of shit, lol. Fucking wild, I should have got a lottery ticket that day instead of going fishing

Re: Weird happenings
6Instead of striking gold, you just struck raisin. Damnit. What an amazing story. But I gotta give you props for the other two stories where ya saved critters. <3xsinx wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:27 pmEach time I tell that one, I think to myself everyone must think I'm full of shit, lol. Fucking wild, I should have got a lottery ticket that day instead of going fishing![]()
Well, start small, and work your way up. Have you seen any UFOs?R.R.Toking wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:43 am I have too many weird stories, people think I’m crazy when I tell them.

Re: Weird happenings
7Yes, one about 100 feet away flying above the tree tops, one a few kilometres away that disappeared behind hills in the distance. Those are not the craziest experiences I’ve had at all though.Well, start small, and work your way up. Have you seen any UFOs?R.R.Toking wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:43 am I have too many weird stories, people think I’m crazy when I tell them.![]()
Re: Weird happenings
8Nice! I bring up UFOs because they're a pretty "entry level" weirdness I find most people feel safe talking about their opinions on the phenomenon. I take it you were outside both time.R.R.Toking wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:10 pm Yes, one about 100 feet away flying above the tree tops, one a few kilometres away that disappeared behind hills in the distance. Those are not the craziest experiences I’ve had at all though.
I've had a small array of different types of paranormal, metaphysical, spiritual, visionary, supernatural type experiences and I count my UFO sightings in them because the first time I saw a UFO, I was inside and received the specific thought to go take a look outside. Being the sort of person who listens to the prompt of my inner voice, I did so. I then saw a light approaching and it flew overhead in an irrational, non-straight/plane like manner. This was wild because I live in a smaller city under a flight path, and I know EXACTLY what planes look, behave and sound like, because I watch multiple planes pass overhead through my window every day. The thing I saw was triangle, silent with unblinking red and white lights, close enough I could make out the shape and if it had been a plane at that height, I would've been able to hear it. I have watched every day since then to see if anything takes the flight path I saw it follow, if I see anything like it again... nah. That's the best one I saw, especially since it has the surrounding circumstance. I don't tell people that part in real life, I just tell them about the craft. The sighting itself lasted maybe a few seconds and my timing to go look out that window was perfect, I did not have time to try get any footage.
I make a point of not accusing people of being crazy. After a few things like that have shaken my world, I choose to believe that people are just wired different and prepared for different experiences. Not everyone is prepared to see fairies or hear aliens so they just don't. We're so good at not seeing things through our regular life anyway; I can tune out ads like nobody's business, so I'm sure the same brain trick can be applied to "things that don't fit". So I started paying attention, doing mindfulness exercises so I can tell what comes from me, and then I started picking up on weird stuff. I'm still relatively young and I can't wait to see what else life throws at me to baffle my brain. You're safe to share weirdness with me privately too. I do think it's unfortunate that with a history on the internet of people telling larks and fables as truth, people just get told they're crazy if they experience something that doesn't fit the expected and predicted paradigm.
Really I just wanted to vent a bit about some of the weird stuff and I figure stoners can at least respect a good bit of spooky brain candy so maybe a few other people here could have fun with the topic idea!
Re: Weird happenings
9There's this one time I time traveled, but I was fucking stoned so I blamed the drugs. Took a pretty epic dose of PCP (first timer, got bad instructions on dosage) and I lost my mind for several hours. I was at a friend and planed on leaving on my bike at the end of the night but I was so fucked I asked if I could crash at his place. He told me don't come out until 11am, I don't want my parents to know you were here (this was a long time ago I was 17). So I wake up in the morning, look at my watch and it's 10h30.. but I have the craziest need to pee.. so I'm like shiiiit... The room where I'm in has like 2 million empty bottles of beer so I pissed in two (fucking filled the first, lol) and I go back to bed to wait that last 30 min.. Woke up what felt like a few hours later, check my watch, it's now 8h30 am...
To this day, I don't understand what happened but I'm 100% sure I read it right... fucking watch playing tricks on me
I wasn't stoned anymore when I woke up either times btw.
To this day, I don't understand what happened but I'm 100% sure I read it right... fucking watch playing tricks on me

Re: Weird happenings
10Was the raisin actually pushed onto the hook?xsinx wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:27 pmEach time I tell that one, I think to myself everyone must think I'm full of shit, lol. Fucking wild, I should have got a lottery ticket that day instead of going fishing![]()
I go fishing every week in the summer, I’ve had a lot of strange things happen while fishing.. so I believe it. It does sound crazy though, especially if the raisin was pushed onto the hook. Was it just a single hook? Or treble?
I once hooked a seagull when I was using corn fishing for carp. Lmao.. that was intense, fucking thing wouldn’t stop.
.... patiently waiting for RR’s crazy story....R.R.Toking wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:10 pm
Yes, one about 100 feet away flying above the tree tops, one a few kilometres away that disappeared behind hills in the distance. Those are not the craziest experiences I’ve had at all though.
Re: Weird happenings
11Yeah it was pushed on the hook, perfectly centered down to the barb, and the tip wasn't quite sticking out but you could see it pressed against the skin of the raisin, almost poking throught. I could not have placed it better if I had done ot myself, true WTF moment. The worm was completely gone too. It was a single small hook.Vdubb wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:44 amWas the raisin actually pushed onto the hook?
I go fishing every week in the summer, I’ve had a lot of strange things happen while fishing.. so I believe it. It does sound crazy though, especially if the raisin was pushed onto the hook. Was it just a single hook? Or treble?
I once hooked a seagull when I was using corn fishing for carp. Lmao.. that was intense, fucking thing wouldn’t stop.
I caught a seagul once too but that's a retarded teen bad idea story I'd rather not tell lol. Lets say there was severe lack of judgement and a sandwich involved.
Re: Weird happenings
12Vdubb wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 8:44 am.... patiently waiting for RR’s crazy story....R.R.Toking wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:10 pm
Yes, one about 100 feet away flying above the tree tops, one a few kilometres away that disappeared behind hills in the distance. Those are not the craziest experiences I’ve had at all though.
One of my most memorable experiences as a teenager was seeing the creature that lived in a gully that ran between two avenues in the town I live near. I had heard stories about it and how the cave it used to live in was closed off with explosives to keep people out of it. It was said that they did this while the creature was out of the cave and that it was then trapped outside of it’s realm.
So anyway, a group of us were going down the side of the gully on our way to the reserve to buy some weed. We were all totally sober. Well we got half way down this steep 150ft gully when we heard something very big running very fast up the side of the gully. We could hear it panting loudly. I was basically frozen with curiosity as I wanted to know what it was. Next thing I know I’m 10 feet away from a giant black wolf that stood well over 6ft at the shoulders. We starred at each other for a second before I looked back to see if my friends saw what I was seeing. The fuckers were 2/3 up the gully already lol. Well that’s when I had enough and ran back up to the top. We never did make it to buy weed that day and I never say that creature again.
Re: Weird happenings
Ok, Northern Quebec, long lake... Monts Valins ? or even northern than that ?
Ok, Northern Quebec, long lake... Monts Valins ? or even northern than that ?
Re: Weird happenings
15Pourvoirie Saint-Zénon.. It's not really remote but they have a bunch of lakes and when you rent a cabin you have your own dedicated lake. Nice chill place.foutchi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:29 pm @xsinx
Ok, Northern Quebec, long lake... Monts Valins ? or even northern than that ?
Re: Weird happenings
16Hehehehe northern quebecxsinx wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:41 pmPourvoirie Saint-Zénon.. It's not really remote but they have a bunch of lakes and when you rent a cabin you have your own dedicated lake. Nice chill place.foutchi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:29 pm @xsinx
Ok, Northern Quebec, long lake... Monts Valins ? or even northern than that ?

I'm from Saguenay, which seems at least 200km northern from where you were

Cheers man !

Re: Weird happenings
17Well I mean 20km past St-Zénon in that area all you'll find are natives, deer, porcupines and other wildlife so for us peeps near Montreal, it's north. I've fished all over the province though, including the Gouin Reservoir. I'm visiting Lac St-Jean this summer, but not planing on fishing (yet).foutchi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:46 pm Hehehehe northern quebeclet me laught
I'm from Saguenay, which seems at least 200km northern from where you were(looks like a nice place place anyway. ) We have so many beautiful lakes in Quebec.
Cheers man !![]()