My Grinders and My Review of Phoenician VS Space Case VS Santa Cruz Shredder . (picture intensive)

My grinders



The review is for the Phoenician Large 3 1/4", Santa Cruz Shredder Jumbo 4", Space Case Large Titanium 3 1/2" 2 and 4 piece, in no particular order.

Phoenician Large 3 1/4"

This grinder looks pretty sweet, but, for me that's where the love for this ends, it feels very light and cheap in the hand.

The grind quality is good. The 1/4 turn feature works against you while you are grinding due to opening just about every turn of the lid.

The amount of ground weed it can hold is about 3.5g before you have to empty to grind more. While that might not be a deal breaker for some for me that is unacceptable. A large grinder should be able to hold quite a bit more than that in my opinion.


The next flaw I can point out is, that when you open the kief catcher the kief collects around the outside edges and spills out.


I would not buy this again due to price and what you get for your money.

Next up is the Space Case Large 3.5" 2 and 4 Pc.

2pc Titanium, this thing weighs a ton and build quality is amazing. The grind quality is what you make of it. You can make a coarse or fine grind. This grinder will turn your weed to dust very quickly. This grinder does not fit my needs and I would not buy it again. That being said, it is a fantastic grinder if your needs are different than mine.


4pc large titanium, this thing also weighs a ton for it's size and build quality is amazing. The collection chamber holds a good amount about a 1/2oz I cut out the kief catch screen and glued the bottom cap to get more capacity now it will hold about 3/4oz.


Grind quality is good. Overall this is a great grinder I would buy this one again and do recommend purchasing if this suits your needs.

4pc Santa Cruz Shredder Jumbo 4" aluminum. This thing is a beast it can grind almost a quarter oz in one shot it had ground the 32g in 5 fills of the upper chamber.


This holds 32gm of weed in it's holding chamber.


The holding chamber is massive, for me this is a huge bonus. I like to roll joints, lots of joints at a time and this is a crucial feature for me.


The grind is very good too for joints.


I would buy this grinder again and I do recommend this.

Re: My Grinders and My Review of Phoenician VS Space Case VS Santa Cruz Shredder . (picture intensive)

My reason for buying and testing these grinders is, I am trying to find a grinder that the cap will not seize up after a couple of fill and grinds which is the problem I have been plagued with for many years.

I had a large Kannastor grinder that the cap would seize with just about every fill up, after many years of scraping around the lid area on the grinder body and cap I gave it away and started my quest for a large grinder that the cap wouldn't seize up on me.

So far the Phoenician seizes after a couple fills, the Space case seizes after several fills and the Santa cruz shredder hasn't seized yet although I have only ran about 2oz's so far.

There is a guy Urban Remo on YouTube that has had an SCS for a long time and he claims to have never cleaned it and that the cap has never seized. I am hoping to have the same experience.

If you look closely at the lids the SCS is different than the other two being the inverse of. I am hoping the design makes a difference.


If the cap on the SCS seizes I will post about it on this thread

Re: My Grinders and My Review of Phoenician VS Space Case VS Santa Cruz Shredder . (picture intensive)

It's never too late to say that this was a phenomenal, spot on guide that reflects my experience with owning a medium Phoenician. Kief spillage and grass buildup on the sides is something that happens with all of the grinders here.

It's also worth mentioning that the Phoenician has a much coarser grind by design, which would lend less to making better, tighter joints but still holds its own when vaping.

It's also worth mentioning that some products like the Phoenician, Santa Cruz and Space Case have lifetime warranties on their Grinders!

Still, with reviews as thorough and as detailed as this one, it makes me realize how tough of a choice it was. It was down to the Phoenician based on the rounded out kief catchers, but the Phoenician won me over in terms of grip design.

Thanks again!