Anyone else smoking less since quarantine?

Title. Basically, I used to smoke through an ounce of flower every 2-ish weeks. Since quarantine started, that's cut back to an ounce a month or even less. I don't know how I did it, considering all of quarantine I just sat in my mom's basement smoking. Maybe it's because instead of taking in 3 whole bowls in quick succession I just sit down here stretching out one bowl over multiple hours.

Re: Anyone else smoking less since quarantine?

I'm clocking in at about an ounce per week during this pandemic! (not including edible use) This is a bit more than what I usually do, but not by a whole lot. When the lockdown first started I was smoking waaaaay too much for the first two weeks (like, I was smoking close to 7gs a day, waking and baking every morning). But as I realized this lockdown was going to last more than a couple of weeks, I started to reign myself in so I wouldn't become a walking zombie. Plus the less I smoke, the harder it hits, so I'm always trying to find that balance.

Re: Anyone else smoking less since quarantine?

Captain-Canucklehead wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:29 pm I'm clocking in at about an ounce per week during this pandemic! (not including edible use) This is a bit more than what I usually do, but not by a whole lot. When the lockdown first started I was smoking waaaaay too much for the first two weeks (like, I was smoking close to 7gs a day, waking and baking every morning). But as I realized this lockdown was going to last more than a couple of weeks, I started to reign myself in so I wouldn't become a walking zombie. Plus the less I smoke, the harder it hits, so I'm always trying to find that balance.
Thing is, I've been constantly smoking too. It's some kind of paradox how I'm spending more time smoking but smoking less.