Hello Everyone! Glad my package made its way out where Venom88 is, truly Is crazy how fast CP can be...for the most part? lol.
Thank you for the awesome review, Venom88 was one of my very first customers that believed in us with no evidence whether we were legitimate or not so a huge thank you him that, unlimited discounts for this guy moving forward putting his money blindly into a company
http://www.grass-station.com knowingly that there was another company not associated with us for placing a huge exit scam previously.
As xsinx indicated, he doesn't believe the prices will stay this low for that long once packages start going missing or carts being blown up, I'm sure SquishReviews will have a great say in the matter as 6/7 of his carts arrived faulty once his review pops up. As a new MoM we will take a loss and will take a hit hit on profit margins to make things right.. it's a tough loss to swallow but we believe in this case is that it was a learning lesson that was going to happen either now or later so we rather clear up any errors as quick as we can.
We're going to try my best to keep the prices low, It's great way to build a platform of Grass-Station fans where they can automatically think
http://www.grass-station.com is the place to shop at because there truly is no other point in shopping around if HVE concentrates is what you're after.
Again if anyone has questions/concerns please email us at
[email protected] and we will try our best to make you happy.
-Team Grass-Station