West Coast Cannabis Shatter, I found these guys by searching for a leading brand of shatter (91 Supreme, top quality both with flavor and quality). I talked to their Live Help Chat who assured me their "house" shatter is better quality and flavor than the 91 (91 Supreme I know is absolutely amazing in quality and flavor), and they even told me that most people prefer theirs over 91. Since it was significantly cheaper, I purchased the smallest amount available, 7g. And it tastes like chemical garbage, and 2 hits makes you sick and barf literally. It looks like good shatter, and it does give a little buzz, but nothing like what they promised theirs compares to. I asked for a refund and they actually called me a liar! They said they never assured any quality comparison!
I can't honestly believe the way they run their business! Just do or say anything to make a sale and practically steal your money. They lied, called me the liar, saying they never assured me the quality! It says right there both on the site both are Premium Shatter, but 91 Supreme is in a whole different category, West Coast probably isn't even A Grade, 91 Supreme is truly Premium!!!
Anyway, they will never hear the end of this! Not unless I get my $200 back! This is so horrible I can't smoke it, I can NOT even give it away. I am one angry sucked in customer! They can't get away with this kind of thing, soon enough they will realize they scammed the wrong guy! I warned them of more severe consequences, but they chose to call me a liar, really pushing me over the edge...
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
2Hi @MrMcDugDog,
We apologize if you do not like our house brand shatter. By no means were we calling you a liar and we apologize if you thought we implied that but rest assured that was not the case.
We cannot issue a refund as everyone's preference is different, What I may like you may not like. We had advised you that our house shatter was indeed our best selling concentrates for us. Which is true.
We are definitely not here to scam, and I'm sure the community here can attest to that. But we cannot just issue refunds to everyone who does not like our products, and if everyone wanted a refund based on that, no company would still be in businesses.
If you're wondering why we stopped replying back to your emails, it is because we do not respond to threats
Again, we apologize if you did not like our house shatter and if you thought we called you a liar but sorry we cannot issue a refund based on something that's solely based on preference. As I may like our house shatter more than xx or vice versa its hard to tell what everyone prefers.
We are no longer making any recommendations on products because of this as like I've mentioned above everyone's preference is different.
We do value your reviews and feedback, good or bad. As that's the only way we can improve on our products and grow as a company
I hope you understand.
Thank you,
We apologize if you do not like our house brand shatter. By no means were we calling you a liar and we apologize if you thought we implied that but rest assured that was not the case.
We cannot issue a refund as everyone's preference is different, What I may like you may not like. We had advised you that our house shatter was indeed our best selling concentrates for us. Which is true.
We are definitely not here to scam, and I'm sure the community here can attest to that. But we cannot just issue refunds to everyone who does not like our products, and if everyone wanted a refund based on that, no company would still be in businesses.
If you're wondering why we stopped replying back to your emails, it is because we do not respond to threats
Again, we apologize if you did not like our house shatter and if you thought we called you a liar but sorry we cannot issue a refund based on something that's solely based on preference. As I may like our house shatter more than xx or vice versa its hard to tell what everyone prefers.
We are no longer making any recommendations on products because of this as like I've mentioned above everyone's preference is different.
We do value your reviews and feedback, good or bad. As that's the only way we can improve on our products and grow as a company
I hope you understand.
Thank you,
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
WCC are not scammers. I've placed a few orders from them and they have been nothing but great. Everyone personal preference is different. I've smoked some strains that knock me on my ass where my friends say they barely get lifted off it and vice versa. Again all personal preference. Also it sounds like your threatening this MOM, really? Grow up.
WCC are not scammers. I've placed a few orders from them and they have been nothing but great. Everyone personal preference is different. I've smoked some strains that knock me on my ass where my friends say they barely get lifted off it and vice versa. Again all personal preference. Also it sounds like your threatening this MOM, really? Grow up.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
4@ West Coast Cannabis:
@ We apologize if you do not like our house brand shatter. By no means were we calling you a liar and we apologize if you thought we implied that but rest assured that was not the case.
I can't even believe how much of a sick scamming scum of the earth you are. How were not calling me a liar? I am telling you for the tenth time again right now!! Your help support chat told me your house shatter is better quality than 91 Supreme Some people can look into your web host records to see this real conversation btw
I am looking into that next. Every change you make to a website is saved for 6 months.
After saying that about better quality, again you said most people even prefer it over 91 Supreme.
@ We cannot issue a refund as everyone's preference is different, What I may like you may not like. We had advised you that our house shatter was indeed our best selling concentrates for us. Which is true.
ME: You never said anything about best selling, I read "better quality" "better flavor" and "most people prefer it"
@ We are definitely not here to scam, and I'm sure the community here can attest to that. But we cannot just issue refunds to everyone who does not like our products, and if everyone wanted a refund based on that, no company would still be in businesses.
If you're wondering why we stopped replying back to your emails, it is because we do not respond to threats
ME: You continue calling me a liar after several times and expect me not to threaten you? What do you think is gonna happen? Did you SERIOUSLY not ever stop to think <i> some of </i> those threats were promises?
@ Again, we apologize if you did not like our house shatter and if you thought we called you a liar but sorry we cannot issue a refund based on something that's solely based on preference. As I may like our house shatter more than xx or vice versa its hard to tell what everyone prefers.
ME: Yeah I bet you are sure, right? Right after calling me a liar, this time I caught you here right in plain sight for everyone to see!!
@ We are no longer making any recommendations on products because of this as like I've mentioned above everyone's preference is different.
We do value your reviews and feedback, good or bad. As that's the only way we can improve on our products and grow as a company
I hope you understand.
ME: Yeah I understand LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!
Your stuff tastes like chemicals and makes everybody puke! Even though you promised better quality and taste than 91! It's that simple! Give me my money back!! OR I WILL COME AND TAKE IT !!
@ We apologize if you do not like our house brand shatter. By no means were we calling you a liar and we apologize if you thought we implied that but rest assured that was not the case.
I can't even believe how much of a sick scamming scum of the earth you are. How were not calling me a liar? I am telling you for the tenth time again right now!! Your help support chat told me your house shatter is better quality than 91 Supreme Some people can look into your web host records to see this real conversation btw

@ We cannot issue a refund as everyone's preference is different, What I may like you may not like. We had advised you that our house shatter was indeed our best selling concentrates for us. Which is true.
ME: You never said anything about best selling, I read "better quality" "better flavor" and "most people prefer it"
@ We are definitely not here to scam, and I'm sure the community here can attest to that. But we cannot just issue refunds to everyone who does not like our products, and if everyone wanted a refund based on that, no company would still be in businesses.
If you're wondering why we stopped replying back to your emails, it is because we do not respond to threats
ME: You continue calling me a liar after several times and expect me not to threaten you? What do you think is gonna happen? Did you SERIOUSLY not ever stop to think <i> some of </i> those threats were promises?
@ Again, we apologize if you did not like our house shatter and if you thought we called you a liar but sorry we cannot issue a refund based on something that's solely based on preference. As I may like our house shatter more than xx or vice versa its hard to tell what everyone prefers.
ME: Yeah I bet you are sure, right? Right after calling me a liar, this time I caught you here right in plain sight for everyone to see!!
@ We are no longer making any recommendations on products because of this as like I've mentioned above everyone's preference is different.
We do value your reviews and feedback, good or bad. As that's the only way we can improve on our products and grow as a company
I hope you understand.
ME: Yeah I understand LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!

Your stuff tastes like chemicals and makes everybody puke! Even though you promised better quality and taste than 91! It's that simple! Give me my money back!! OR I WILL COME AND TAKE IT !!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
5live agents will say whatever to get you to buy it lol, next time talk to the Ceo or the nigga running the operation. n fuck u mean u gunna go over there and take it u aint gunnanaaaa doooooo shittttt
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
6WestCoastCannabis wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:08 pm We are no longer making any recommendations on products because of this as like I've mentioned above everyone's preference is different.
"No longer making recommendations because of this"
Bang! Busted! In your emails you say there was no recommendations at all, here you say
"we had advised you that our house shatter was indeed our best selling concentrates for us."
If you would have only said that, I wouldn't have bought it! You said directly, in QUOTES:
"Our house shatter is better than 91 Supreme, most people prefer it"
to scam me and get my money for garbage shatter,
and I am going to severely embarrass you for it!
This will stay here forever,
and one day when you realize what a business is, you will always wish you gave me the refund I deserve and moved along with business in an actual business manner.
I want you post the complete Help Support Chat conversation right here!
We will see if it matches with what one of my friends hooked me up with

I seriously have to finally come take my money back with my friends from the island?!?!
You realize what you are doing right, calling me a liar about the whole thing?
You are f****ng yourself you little blitch!!
Please don't tempt me, I am about to make the call...
You think anyone believes a person would make this up and act this way over nothing? NO WAY ! That's why any comments saying otherwise are probably all the scammers themselves!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
7MrMcDugDog I must say you are approaching this like an ABSOLUTE BABY and it shows through the way you write. I don't perk up often here but when I see someone bash a good MOM that me and my friends support I step in.
SK300 is correct. If you send a message asking "which is better" your going to get an OPINION. The mom is giving you their opinion because you asked them. That's there job, customer service. Its not their fault you don't like the product.
Your not going to get any sympathy here.
SK300 is correct. If you send a message asking "which is better" your going to get an OPINION. The mom is giving you their opinion because you asked them. That's there job, customer service. Its not their fault you don't like the product.
Your not going to get any sympathy here.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
How am I "approaching" this like a baby?
Anyway, I was asking for an opinion, but he LIED and said theirs is better!
How do I know he lied? NOBODY on Earth could truthfully recommend their shatter like they did.
He sucked me in, and calls me a liar about it! It's that simple!
So, shut up! You don't know what you're talking about obviously you don't know the difference between LABELED "Premium" Shatter and CHEMICAL GARBAGE?!
I've wasted enough time with emails and such, I want the entire help chat posted here!!
Does it look like I am looking for sympathy weirdo?
How am I "approaching" this like a baby?
Anyway, I was asking for an opinion, but he LIED and said theirs is better!
How do I know he lied? NOBODY on Earth could truthfully recommend their shatter like they did.
He sucked me in, and calls me a liar about it! It's that simple!
So, shut up! You don't know what you're talking about obviously you don't know the difference between LABELED "Premium" Shatter and CHEMICAL GARBAGE?!
I've wasted enough time with emails and such, I want the entire help chat posted here!!
Does it look like I am looking for sympathy weirdo?
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
9Hi @MrMcDugdog, we didn't say our product was better. We mentioned that our house concentrates was "way more popular".Our house brand concentrates are one of our top sellers whether that be shatter, budder, crumble, they sell a lot better then what we carry in 91supreme.MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:29 am @HighAllTheTimeGuy
How am I "approaching" this like a baby?
Anyway, I was asking for an opinion, but he LIED and said theirs is better!
How do I know he lied? NOBODY on Earth could truthfully recommend their shatter like they did.
He sucked me in, and calls me a liar about it! It's that simple!
So, shut up! You don't know what you're talking about obviously you don't know the difference between LABELED "Premium" Shatter and CHEMICAL GARBAGE?!
I've wasted enough time with emails and such, I want the entire help chat posted here!!
Does it look like I am looking for sympathy weirdo?
You asked a question and our livechat rep responded with his opinion/fact
I have attached our full conversation below. Please have a read.
And if for whatever reason you think it was edited or something I will be happy to do a screen share with a MOD.
If we are in the wrong doing we have no issues admitting to it. No where in the chat does it say that we guarantee this and or that. or it tastes like this or that or if our house brand concentrates were better as we would never say that as everyone's preference is different.
Chat link below
Nonetheless we have apologized for making a recommendation that you did not like. There was no way we would have known. This has made us change some of our livechat guidelines as we do not want this happening in the future again.
Thank you kindly @highallthetimeguy @sk300
Thank you and I hope you understand @MrMcDugDog
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
10@ WestCoastCannabis
Thank you for showing (Part of) how you scammed me, with your doctored photo! (i can't prove it, I seen the real server photo's though)
Your gonna understand and you're going to learn! Mofo! Little jinx
Thank you for showing (Part of) how you scammed me, with your doctored photo! (i can't prove it, I seen the real server photo's though)
Your gonna understand and you're going to learn! Mofo! Little jinx

Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
11I'm not sure what you're saying. This is our conversation we had on livechat. Like I've mentioned if for whatever reason you think this was edited I will be more than willing to show a MOD. I am more then willing to show anyone actually who wants to see the conversation we had.MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:26 am @ WestCoastCannabis
Thank you for showing (Part of) how you scammed me, with your doctored photo! (i can't prove it, I seen the real server photo's though)
Your gonna understand and you're going to learn! Mofo! Little jinx![]()
We have no reason to lie. You've seen the real server photos.... but you can't prove it...
Any mods want to do a screenshare so that we can prove to this guy that these photos are legitimate? The deleted parts are to hide your email address/ip......
Thank you
Last edited by WestCoastCannabis on Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
12If you're gonna check his chat records, make sure you check every conversation, I remember now there was more than 1 conversation, within a couple or few hours at most. Also, if there is only 1 conversation, check to see if you can delete them, because there was at least 2 conversations. I forgot because I had been arguing with these guys for so long and I'm never giving up. I swear on my life these guys said theirs is better than 91 and most people prefer it! And it tastes like chemical crap and is unsmoke-able!
Why would I say it unless it's true? Honest to god?!
I think everyone is beyond believing your story here Mrs. West Coast Cannabis!!
One angry SUCKED IN customer!!
Why would I say it unless it's true? Honest to god?!
I think everyone is beyond believing your story here Mrs. West Coast Cannabis!!
One angry SUCKED IN customer!!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
13Uhhhh wow? Bro you sound like a 12 yo kid that got shorted half your bag. You did not like the product move on.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
14Says every liar ever when they dont have any defense.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
15Hahaha this guy knows
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
16Obviously nobody else has even tried their house shatter, which they claim is better in flavor and quality than 91 Supreme and in fact most people even prefer it ROFL!!!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
17Let me get this straight, you disagree with an opinion about house shatter, and then you THREATEN the business with a goon squad?
Am, I understanding this correctly?
Am, I understanding this correctly?
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
18@ itsjustasalad
Is that a trick question? Where did you hear this?
Has not 1 person tried their house shatter here? No, obviously not, trust me!
Is that a trick question? Where did you hear this?
Has not 1 person tried their house shatter here? No, obviously not, trust me!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
19Let me help you, here's where they heard it, where we ALL heard it. You've been abundantly clear in your threats, both online and directly physical. Just in case you forgot what you yourself wrote.MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2019 6:04 am @ itsjustasalad
Is that a trick question? Where did you hear this?
Has not 1 person tried their house shatter here? No, obviously not, trust me!
MrMcDugDog wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:00 am Anyway, they will never hear the end of this! Not unless I get my $200 back! This is so horrible I can't smoke it, I can NOT even give it away. I am one angry sucked in customer! They can't get away with this kind of thing, soon enough they will realize they scammed the wrong guy! I warned them of more severe consequences, but they chose to call me a liar, really pushing me over the edge...
MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:25 am ME: You continue calling me a liar after several times and expect me not to threaten you? What do you think is gonna happen? Did you SERIOUSLY not ever stop to think some of those threats were promises?
MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:25 am ME: Yeah I understand LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!![]()
Your stuff tastes like chemicals and makes everybody puke! Even though you promised better quality and taste than 91! It's that simple! Give me my money back!! OR I WILL COME AND TAKE IT !!
MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:31 am I seriously have to finally come take my money back with my friends from the island?!?!
You realize what you are doing right, calling me a liar about the whole thing?
You are f****ng yourself you little blitch!!
Please don't tempt me, I am about to make the call...
I mean, it's not an unreasonable conclusion to reach based on what you've posted thus far. You're definitely threatening and aggressive from the jump, and were pushy even in the initial conversation as we can see in the screenshot they posted. I don't know WCC at all and have never purchased shatter. I'm pretty damn new to this community myself. But wow, this one needs some moderation and control. I have no horse in this race, I'm just pretty shocked by what I'm reading. There were way better ways to go about this.
edit: Since your friend so kindly hooked you up with an unedited version of your live chat, which would offer some concrete proof of what you're claiming (though would not change the fact that you made clear and direct physical threats), I feel like that would be what you would lead with, particularly after they posted their transcript. Please do show us the unedited file you friend "hooked you up with". I would genuinely like to see it. You know, make your case correctly.
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
20andMrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:31 am I seriously have to finally come take my money back with my friends from the island?!?!
You realize what you are doing right, calling me a liar about the whole thing?
You are f****ng yourself you little blitch!!
Please don't tempt me, I am about to make the call...
andMrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:25 am You continue calling me a liar after several times and expect me not to threaten you? What do you think is gonna happen? Did you SERIOUSLY not ever stop to think <i> some of </i> those threats were promises?
Clearly heard it from the horse's mouth. Or are you not a horse?MrMcDugDog wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:25 am Your stuff tastes like chemicals and makes everybody puke! Even though you promised better quality and taste than 91! It's that simple! Give me my money back!! OR I WILL COME AND TAKE IT !!
Re: West Coast Cannabis Shatter Review / Scam
21Guys and gals I know its hard sometimes but its time to stop feeding the troll. This is purely a trash thread now