MOM Name The Herbalist Shoppe
Overall rating out of 10: 9
Sign Up: Super easy and similar to most MOM's
Ordering & Pricing: Ordering was easy Spoke with him on Discord. The Silver Stash's Sampler Satchel QP was $500 plus $15 off. I feel like I got a good deal with how caked they are.
Communication: Great, on discord basically responds right away. Very friendly helpful and I believe honest.
Packaging: This I found to be just Okay, it came in a smaller bag overall than i was expecting.
The packaging got me a little excited because I love to see branding and a nice look to packaging.
Then when I got to the Bud itself it was just in heavy duty ziploc bags with hand writing on it.
Now I have mentioned this to him on Discord and he said they wanted to be able to provide good pricing and add the frills of better packaging later. I am exited to see what they come up with.
Products / Photos: I haven't smoked all of it yet but I will comment on what i have:
The Grapefruit I describe as effective. It tastes really nice and smells really good also. I vaped with it for my first time and it was smooth and Flavorful. They came very white with crystals.
The Strawberry Cough also well covered and had that Traditional weed smell to me. I smoked out of a pipe and found it to me a strong taste but very enjoyable and a really nice high, not too high...but the right level off a small amount.
I haven't smoked this GSC, but it looks and smells great, probably what i might get into tonight but overall I like what it smells and feels like.
Once again I have not smoked this yet but from the look and smell it seems to hold up with the rest of the product I have received from THS, this package also had some of the biggest nugs.
** Free Samples**
Monkey Breath
Listed as Diamond Dank: Private Reserve, I am VERY excited to try what is listed as AAAA+ Never had one before.
Pink Floyd
I think this was under their Just Diamond Dank but I could be wrong. Once again, it looks COVERED.
I also Recieved Wedding Cake but it wont let me add the image so ill put it in the next post.
Incentive for Customers: They have Great QP Pricing and it seems like quality flower.
Incentive for Review: None that I know of.
Notes: The bud's seemed small, I don't really care personally because I always grind it up, i don't know the benefit to bigger denser nuggets. Overall I will likely be going back from the CS and Quality bud at a nice price.
The Herbalist Shoppe - Silver Stash's Sampler Satchel QP
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