Grease Monkey was another one i tried on this order. Again i cant express enuff how good these live resins are. on par with the fse they sell. nutty earthy diesel and a hint of vanilla !! dam tasty and luv the buzz !! hybrid with a lean to indica !! $112.50 for 7 grams is again a great price.
Rockstar Live Resin. Fruity spicy flavor and nice couch lock with this hybrid leaning to indica !! good end of the day buzz !! $112.50 for 7 grams
All the above resins im sure ill buy again. seems i cant go wrong with this mom.
and yes i bought sum more night nurse weed. cant get enuff of the hashy earthy taste. when i grind it up fills the room with hashy coffee aroma !! and so fucking dank !! its like smoking a cigar hehe !! nice fluffy white ash ! luvly taste !! bag appeal is awsum caky frosty medium to big ass nugs !! $105 an ounce is a steal !!
finally grabbed sum gummies a bag of each of their flavors, Jumbo Melons, Cherry Chews and Blasted Berries. great flavor on them all. 100 mg to a bag with 10 candies in each. $10 each bag. i luv edibles !! and these r good !! nice buzz great taste !! will buy again.
incentive for review is $50 in creds and yes i would do for nothing !! luv these guys, customer service is awsum !!!
Shipping is flat rate of $20.00
3rd order from this MOM and will do so again. thanx sunsetbc !!
pics listed below are as follows, Grease Monkey Live Resin, Rockstar Live Resin, Sour Skittles Live Resin and Night Nurse Weed 1 and 2