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[Silver Haze & PineApple TrainWreck ] - [LowPriceBud] - [April]

Silver Haze


It’s definitely a kind we can smoke all day and really still function. I feel all sorts of ways - happy, euphoric, elucidated, excited and giddy. I find myself lost in my thoughts but I can focus on anything at hand. Ideal for any time of the day - wake and bake, before a run/gym, getting in the mood for work, and a fun cerebral ride at night-time. Only negative is it makes my head spin. I would recommend this strain if you can get it!

PineApple TrainWreck

Nothing better than getting your bud and that first smell blows you away. Great fruity, dank smell that grabs you. The taste was the same. The smoke is smooth. That’s right no expansion and no coughing. Great smoke for wake n bake as it will give you energy and focus. I’ve found it can make me a little sleepy on the comedown. Solution, just smoke more. Liked it so much I bought another zip. Excellent strain. Perfect head high you ever want. Give it a 10 .
