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HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 10:44 pm
by Psymanteia
Greetings friends. I'm making this post because HSP has stopped responding to my emails/discord. I'm hoping they will read this and contact me to resolve my concerns.

I originally reached out to them through their website on Apr 30th mentioning I found seeds in 2 of the 4 strains I ordered from them during their 420 sale. They were prompt initially in replying to me asking to send them pictures. I followed up on the same day with pictures I had already taken on my phone. They never responded to this email. 2 days later I asked them if they had gotten the pics. They responded to this email stating the pics were not good enough. I then sent them new pics taken with our DSLR camera clearly showing exactly what they had asked. So far I have gotten no response to this email with new pics, sent 5 days ago. Since then I've sent multiple emails, both to [email protected] and [email protected]. I also msged them on discord to no avail. I feel their customer service has gone downhill and I can't recommend using them until they address these issues.

here are a couple original images taken with my phone clearly showing seeds

these are just a few of the newer photos i sent
link to more photos and screenshots of all our emails

plain txt log of our interactions

Heya , I wanted to reach out and let you know I found seeds in my most recent order. Of course we understand this is bound to happen on occasion.
The dancehall has mature seeds, I've found 4 so far in the few grams I've busted up. A couple were visable from the outside of the bud. It does not taste good and my partner and I are both unhappy with this strain overall.
Also we are finding small immature seeds in the strawberry cough. Probably 100-1000 in the oz. Overall we like the smoke and high but I don't think it would be worth the full asking price.
Please let me know if there is anything you can do for us, or if you want more pics/info. Thanks :)
Hillside Pharms <[email protected]>
Tue, Apr 30, 1:52 PM (8 days ago)
to me
High there, could you please send photos of the flower together with the bag showing the strain label and the seeded bud please. Thanks.
Tue, Apr 30, 2:48 PM (8 days ago)
to Hillside
Thanks for the response. These are the pics I already have on hand. I'll be at work all day and would prefer to not have to take more pics. I know they aren't exactly what you asked for but lemme know if you want me to take more.
Thu, May 2, 2:14 PM (6 days ago)
to Hillside
Can I get an update please? It's been about 48 hours since I sent out my last email with the pictures you requested.
Hillside Pharms
Thu, May 2, 3:19 PM (6 days ago)
to me
We asked for photos of the all problematic bud along the bag with the strain indicated. I see a photo off a single seed so far and the range of 100-1000 on the Strawberry Cough is quite broad a blurry photo of some broken up bud is not all that helpful of an indication of the situation you describe. We sold an extremely large amount of both strains for 420 and have had zero complaints so far. Not discounting it's possible, but in these type of cases we require complainants to follow the requested instruction when making a complaint of this nature as it is out line with the state of other orders containing the exact same flower.
Thu, May 2, 5:58 PM (6 days ago)
to Hillside
I understand where you are coming from and I will gladly take more photos when I have the free time.
Is there a reason you didn't mention the pictures were not good enough when I sent them and directly asked?
May 3, 2019, 7:40 PM (5 days ago)
to Hillside
I used my GFs DSLR to take these pics, I hope there are up to your standards. Please let me know either way, thanks.
Mon, May 6, 8:10 PM (2 days ago)
to hspharms
Hi, I have already complained about seeds in my order 45973. Your other email has been very slow and rude in responding to me. My last email was sent on May 2nd with no response. I have been very polite and provided all information that I've been asked for. If I don't hear from you within 48 hours I'll be posting negative reviews on the mom discussion board, Reddit, discord, and any other social media outlet I can.

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:06 am
by HotdogPhil81

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 9:44 pm
by gandalfe
I am not using them anymore ever since they gave me only a half gram of shit hash on my last order[usually filled the box with weed samples].They are getting cheap and nasty as time goes on.The only good thing is that they made a mistake on my order, and gave me an extra 3 grams of honey oil, so I'm not angry anymore, but shopping elsewhere for my precious weed money.

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:56 pm
by Rifter
Thanks for this, was just about to place an order for some oil, now will be looking elsewhere.

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:42 pm
bad experiences with mom as well - quality/price

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 4:11 pm
by Otownkush
LMao this is the idiot who claimed 100-1000 seeds in an oz. and people are taking his “review” seriously?

Re: HSP - Hillside Pharms - Seeds and Bad Customer Service

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 2:22 am
by chuchon06
Lol, the Reddit idiots are migrating here. There are 3 or 4 in here alone