Overall rating out of 10:A solid 9/10
Sign Up: Very easy/ no id required/ no account required to checkout ! Tres facile et simple a naviguer! Aucune documentation requise et tu peux passer une commande sans avoir un compte!
Ordering & Pricing:
Lion (Soft Amsterdam Cafe) Hash 9/10
Gold Leb Hash 9/10
Bulldog (Soft Blonde Amsterdam) Hash 9/10
Abraxas (Soft Blonde Amsterdam) Hash 9/10
Apollo (Soft Black Afghan) Hash 7/10
Redbull (Soft Red Leb) Hash9/10
Cronos (Afghan) Hash 7/10
Lacoste (Moroccan) Hash 7/10
Communication:I stumble upon him on reddit after a fellow review.We spoke a bit trough email then i invited him over to cmoms discord.. hes on ever since! and always reply within minutes! great cs! J'ai eu la chance de voir un autre membre recevoir une commande d'eux! Quand j'ai verifier le site, j''ai tomber sur une mine d'or pour les hash freak comme moi!
Packaging:All came in inviduals single gram little plastic bottle inside a vacum sealed mylar! Toute recu separer par gram dans des petit pots en plastique! Toutes etais dedans un sac mylar bien fermer!
Active and cerebral high when smoking this! Very Very soft and sticky! Has a beautyful blonde color to it! it's a beauty to see! Taste normally change depending on the strain wich was use to make this hash! but this one is a bit spicy/earthy flavor. Unique amsterdam smell(been there once) Ce hash te frape direct dans tete! Un buzz qui tactive! Tres belle couleur blonde et tres gomant! Un tres bon gout qui suit meme fumer au bt! un gout unique de amsterdam!
Another amsterdam beauty!Pretty much the same buzz has the lion(cerebral high)Very soft and blonde! Less stronger then lion but very noticeable buzz after 2 hits!This and bulldog is pretty much the same(name varies depending wich coffee shop it sold too) Pretty much this unique amsterdam smell and taste to it! Ce hash resemble beaucoup au lion en fait de buzz/odeur!Lui pis le bulldog se resemble beaucoup! le nom fais juste changer dependant de quelle cafe il se fais vendre. Deux a hash unique de amsterdam!
Gold leb hash
Red labenese redbull hash
Cronos (Afghan) Hash/ Apollo (Soft Black Afghan) Hash
Lacoste (Moroccan) Hash (pic to come)
This was the cheapest out of the 8 i received, i gave it to my uncle since hes a big moroccan lover! For the price , it's a killer deal(10$/g) He says its very much resemble what he was smoking way back! Le lacoste etais le moin cher de les 8 que j'ai recues. Je les donner a mon oncle qui fume du hash fais plus de 40ans. Il dit sa resemble beaucoup a ce quoi il fumais dans le passer. Photo a venir
Incentive for Customers:
Right now they got a promo for orders over 100$ you get 10$ off..100$ free shipping
Il a une promo de 10$ enlever sur une commande de 100$ et plus .. livraison gratuite 100$ +
Incentive for Review:
I was offered this pack for a legit review of there hash!
Jai recu ce paquet pour soumetre ue revue de leur hash!
Now all of these hash has there unique imported smell to it! Very nice to enjoy with other buddies. They have killer price for the hash.. starting from 10$ to 15$ very cheap compare elsewhere and the quality is the same if not better. I really believe that everyone of them are really imported! I'd say go check them out if your into imported hash!!! Only thing now it's only 1g increment, maybe he can do more if needed?
OVERALL 8.0/10
Toute ces hash sont uniques et on toute leur propre gouts! Je croit vraiment que toutes ces hash on ete importe! La seul chose c'est que tu peux juste acheter par 1g du coups.
Toute processus d'acheter a le recevoir et le fumer je leur donne un bon 8.0/10!