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Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:35 am
by Coreyg
Hey everyone

I've been part of the community for a few years now. Just want to throw out some hash information. Hash is very hit and miss in the MoM game, it is not like flowers where you get a good understanding of its growth/potency from strain and how it looks. If a website is trusted, you can tell AA flowers from AAAA flowers by the pictures.
Hash is different, sure its stamped and sometimes you can see quality but its not clear cut.

In the last few months I have made purchases with Blue Moon Cannabis, Shamrock Cannabis, Budmail, Kingtuts Supremebcbuds, and Cheebas. I will only include Hash that I have smoked over 7g.

Blue Moon Cannabis

Lebanese Blonde Beqaa Valley- I order 7g for 75 bucks everytime I get weed here. Spicy, hard as a rock, mellow buzz.

Lebanese Blonde- Softer and smoother then the Beqaa valley leb. More expensive than the beqaa but worth it if you like smoother smoke.

Elephant Hash- Regular low-mid hash, wouldn't reorder.

Chronos- Regular low-mid hash, wouldn't reorder.

Habibi- Soft, Damp, Spicy, Joy to smoke! But I find I smoke too much of it to get the high I want. Missing potency. Would not reorder.


Red Lebanese Hash- Was going to buy from Cheebas but there was that budmail first time code and it was cheaper than Cheebas with the same picture. I assume they are both trusted vendors so I went budmail. Amazing! Red soft buttery smoothness, I could smoke it forever and be happy. But it is too expensive to be my regular. I would recommend everyone who likes hash to try this,


KT Pressed Hash- I had this as a sample when he first introduced it. It was a nice potent throwback to the hash I got when I was a teen. When KT points were stopping I spent my accumulated points and cash to get a ounce of this thinking it was the same as before. I was so wrong, I got an ounce of rubber and hair. When I smelled it, it smelled of rubber and when it burned it smelled like burning hair and rubber. Unsmokable. In the garbage. Would not reorder.

Medi Hash- Got this with the Kt Pressed hash. This is good low end hash, tastes okay and has a decent potency. At 139 dollars I paid I would reorder(see below).

*As a note I want to say I went to the KT website and reviewed both hashes. Gave the Medi hash a 4/5 star and the kt hash 1 star. They put out the 4/5 star review and did not publish my 1/5 for the pressed hash. My days of being a KT customer are done so I would not recommend reordering anything from KT. *


Happy Pressed Hash- At 110 a half Oz I was not disappointed. It is hash made with RSO oil, I could see the green tinted oil on the bag. Now that does not make this a really garbage product. I smoked it and liked it, good buzz decent taste and had a distinct high. The oil made it "heavy" so I need more weight crumbled to fill my joint and I found due to that I smoked way too much of it. I would not reorder but it isn't a bad product!


Amsterdam Soft Hashes- Good mid tier hash, soft, really enjoyable. Would reorder.

Redbull Lebanese- Great Hash!! It is not the quality of the budmail red leb but its is a nice soft, spicy, and unique red color. Would reorder!

*I tried assorted other hashes from supreme in small amounts, their price point is great. The cheaper hashes are just reg low-mid hash.*


Gold Seal- Good low tier hash, Would reorder on sale.

Camel Stamp- Good mid-low tier hash, good to smoke, the price is what makes it a reorder.

Diplomat-Strong Gassy Potent Hash, blew my 1gs of other imports out of the water. Does not crumble, used it as a snake in my joints. Would reorder on sale.

Ketama- Good crumbly hash, didn't have to heat it up to crumble in my joint. Wasn't as potent as diplomat but was better than the Shatter hash. Would not reorder due to high price.

Shatter Hash- Hard Potent hash, okay taste and smell but it was nice and potent. I reordered an ounce of this for 8 something a gram. Great price point. I really enjoyed it and after a half ounce my tolerance to it went up. So I wont reorder again for a long time due to that.

BC Premo- This is great smelling and tasty domestic hash. I found the potency to be lacking in compared to Diplomat/Shatter hashes. I would reorder but only if its on sale.

Re: Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:27 pm
by realgrimm
Thanx for the breakdown,its hard to know vendor qualities with hash

Re: Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:51 pm
by Ganjawest
We got some limited quantity hash
White dawg, 3kings, chocolope. strawberry banana, Death bubba

Every strain is crafted in small batches and will less likely be available again. Every single one has a smell and taste different from each other.

Re: Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:00 am
by MamaSmokes
Ganjawest wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:51 pm We got some limited quantity hash
White dawg, 3kings, chocolope. strawberry banana, Death bubba

Every strain is crafted in small batches and will less likely be available again. Every single one has a smell and taste different from each other.
Really? I would love to try that out! Glad you have death bubba hash.

Re: Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:20 pm
by Coreyg
Update on recent hashes

Cheebas Frankensense Rosin hash- Not as good as the shatter hash but for the price on sale it was fine.

Cheebas G-code bubble hash- Great hash, in small pellets, easily broken up for a joint but still sticky

Cheebas Diplomat continues to be as good as it was

HSP Pressed Bubble hash Jan 2020- Horrible rubber taste and smell, but potent and good to work with. Would not buy again. HSP would not post my negative review on their site. Stick with their flower.

Bluemoon Cannabis
Lebanese Beqaa Valley-(280 ounce 15 a gram) New batch of this on their end, same great hash with a different shade of brown, Will continue to reorder
Lebananses Blonde (20$ a gram 360 ounce i think)- New Batch, a lot more crumbly then last batch. Did not enjoy it as much as the last batch. Would not reorder at this point due to it being more expensive then the beqaa valley one at 15 a gram.

Orderweedonline bubble hash indica- Not the best, pressed kief a bit green, no reorder
Orderweedonline hybrid bubble hash- really nice low end bubble, would reorder

Stressfreedelivery Golden Goat bubble hash- Amazing golden/amber color kief, smoth and amazing. It it good quality dry sift in my mind not bubble. Worth the price.

Re: Hash "review" Various Vendors the last 2 months

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:20 pm
by Cheebas
Thanks for the continued support Coreyg, I'll def keep you posted as we bring in some new hashes or have our next sale!

Great reviews on our and everyone else's!