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Purp Bubba - Lowpricebud - March

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:55 pm
by Dcrew902


COMMUNICATION/SERVICE: 10/10 These guys are currently my go to, and I appreciate the amazing service they provide.

SHIPPING/PACKAGING: 10/10 Slight smell when I opened box (before opening vac seal). Fast shipping always 2-3 days for me. Can't be beat, and I find myself steering clear lazy MoM's now.

PRODUDCTS TO REVIEW: Purple Bubba ($90/oz) I was going to treat myself, but saw this oz on for $90, and said fuck it. Tastes kinda like hay with a similar nose, but when I weighed the oz it came out to 36gs so can't complain.. love doing business with these guys.

INCENTIVE FOR REVIEW: 2000 in-store points ($20 equivalent)

Re: Purp Bubba - Lowpricebud - March

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:28 am
by Nuggz
You got some Bubba Kush that smelt and tasted like hay, and you rated it 10/10?!! Is that the flavour profile you were seeking?

I get that you're getting some free credits for doing it. But I legit clicked your post to see what this MoM had to offer. Even if someone gives you 7lbs of turds and you only paid for 5lbs of turds, they're still turds.