Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

I've never had a comment removed on canadianmoms, at first I did but was then informed of karma limits and it doesn't happen to me anymore now that I have a good amount. The moderators there answer my questions when I asked too.

On mompics I've had my comments removed fairly recently and noticed multiple posts just outright be totally removed, despite totally following rules. To be honest, the first time I made a comment on this forum I similarly questioned it and I was just totally banned from here too (probably going to happen again).

I'm not naive, I know the admins here have received... stuff. Why is anyone in the community supporting this? Are people really oblivious that this is going on? I tried asking the admins directly on discord a couple of times too (about this and my own removals/ban) but I was totally ignored.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

First off lets make things very clear, the community here is canadianmom but there is also the canadianmoms community, both of which are totally distinct management wise. In fact, we, canadianmom, broke off from canadianmoms a long time ago for whatever reason (I wasn't there at the time).

So what WE are is this:
the canadianmom Discord (link on homepage here)

/r/canadianmoms is another group, none of the admins/mods here are part of it (I do post there as a normal reddit user, but I have zero sway or affiliation).

Now, on /r/mompics, the admins are the same 3 dudes that run everything here. There is also an automod robot running there that removes all posts from people with less than 5 karma to prevent throwaway accounts causing shit, those posts are removed and put in a moderation queue for the admins to review. The admins check it once in a while, not every hour, it can take days for that stuff to get through , sometimes. The automod thing is a pass that happens every whatever minutes, so a post can be there for a while before it's removed if it's caught by the bot.

Also, the bot removes posts that have LINKS in them because reddit does not allow links to sales sites, it could get the whole sub banned. ALL AUTOMOD REMOVALS ARE 100% SILENT, there is no feedback to the poster.

Now Mr. CMOM here throwing accusations of admins taking in bribes to remove/allow stuff, I'm going to call absolute bullshit on that. Sure, there are sample packs being offered and accepted once in a while but it's not any more widespread than it is within the users portion of the community and IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES, AFAIK, did this EVER affect how we manage the community. There was a lot of drama this summer about accusations to that effect, I wasn't mod yet at that moment and I did a throughout investigation on this, talked to admins, talked to mods, talked to MOMs, talked to accusers, I could never find even an hint of a proof of any wrongdoing from anyone. At about the same time I was offered the mod position within the community and accepted it because I felt the accusations were bogus. It's now been many months and still, even with access to privileged mod sections, talking on a regular basis to all the admins/mods, I have not seen a shred of evidence of wrong doing or even questionable practice by any of them.

Lastly, this one needs to be addressed, StonerSteve64 has a personal feud with a previous member of the community which happens to be a grower that is closely associated with bulkgod, a relatively new MOM. Because of that personal feud, bulkgod is not welcomed here, on the Discord, or on our reddit subs and posts about them are deleted by Steve when he sees them. He's mostly doing it on reddit. Not gonna go into the details of that feud, but it has nothing to do with business/product/samples/bribes or whatever baseless accusations you guys are throwing here.

So that's that. If you're going to accuse anyone here, provide some solid proof, if not, you're welcomed to go join highintel, they really like conspiracy theories, you'd fit right in.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

I've been banned in mompics by stonersteve. This was back when "Thewholesomemonkey" first opened.

He along with another was constantly posting pics of the wholesomemonkey for weeks. I simply commented on the post asking how much theyre getting paid to promote them. The weed looked SOOOO bad no half respectable smoker/seller would keep going back and buying more of that shit by the oz.

Was banned shortly after. Ever since then I knew its been a bit fishy but i really dont give a fuck. This is an illegal practice what do people expect ?

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

cmom wrote: Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:08 am Not sure why the conversation is running towards samples, I did not mention that in the OP, the original point was on censorship (hand in hand with biased promoting though, I do agree).

So everyone is just OK with biased admins running and manipulating this place and wherever they can reach?
I think I explained pretty clearly in my reply that most of what you accuse the admins of doing is in fact either automod doing it's job or steve deleting bulkgod related stuff.

If you have a more speicific case tell me and I'll investigate. As far as I know there is little to no manual moderation going on on our reddit subs.

Again, /r/canadianMOMs is not us.... Whatever happens there we have zero control over.

So no censorship going on on any of our platforms unless it puts the comminity at risk (prices, sales or links to MOMs sites are all bad on reddit).

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

Thanks for the long explanation on all this Sin, have been trying to figure it out myself, albeit I probably didn't try that hard.

Has Steve ever openly commented about all the accusations? I see he chats on the Discord and such.. asking because he would've been the right one to address the concerns when it first came up, and I've still yet to see his actual position on any of it.

Anyways, despite my curiosity for how everything went down, it doesn't affect me in actuality. I've never experienced issues with any of the Reddit subs personally

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

I would not be mod on here if I had any suspicions on Steve... And it's not for lack of effort trying to find even the slightest shred of proof. I talked to the accusers, I talked to MOM owners, other admins/mods (past and present) and I came to the conclusion it was just the mob going wild on heresay and bullshit.

We banned a lot of people on here and the Discord and I've been working hard with the other mods, admins and members to steer the community towards a more positive and healthy ambiance and I must say it's working pretty well. We lost a lot of knowledge with that drama storm, but we've since got tons of new quality members.

I think the end result is things are much better than they ever were now. Stick around and see for yourself :)

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

xsinx wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:57 pm I would not be mod on here if I had any suspicions on Steve... And it's not for lack of effort trying to find even the slightest shred of proof. I talked to the accusers, I talked to MOM owners, other admins/mods (past and present) and I came to the conclusion it was just the mob going wild on heresay and bullshit.

We banned a lot of people on here and the Discord and I've been working hard with the other mods, admins and members to steer the community towards a more positive and healthy ambiance and I must say it's working pretty well. We lost a lot of knowledge with that drama storm, but we've since got tons of new quality members.

I think the end result is things are much better than they ever were now. Stick around and see for yourself :)
Thumbs up - that first paragraph is enough hehe. Can confirm that at least some of the ppl who have accused Steve are absolutely afflicted by mob mentality.

I'm just mostly around to look at + post pretty pictures of weed, will get along fine wherever haha.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

xsinx wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:57 pm I think the end result is things are much better than they ever were now. Stick around and see for yourself :)
I like this sentiment coming from a mod, and I agree. I know that between here and Reddit, I have become one of the more controversial users of this forum, but unlike Reddit, there is no "high-school popularity contest" going on here. An upvote/downvote system affords far too much authority to teenagers and the ignorant via it's convenient echo-chambering. Everyone is an equal here, there is no karma, competition or nastiness hardly, and it is by far my preference to come to this forum for my cannabis info.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:24 am Do you get a lot of downvotes or something?
It's a sociological fact, brother. When you give crowd mentality the power to decide what goes to the top and bottom, it creates a highly biased pool of self-fulfilling prophecies.

Sure I get downvotes, anytime I've expressed an unpopular opinion. I don't care though, I'll just start 10 more accounts when the karma goes to shit. The point is that you are unallowed to have an unpopular opinion on Reddit, if you do, you will be voted out of existence--thats basically how Nazi's did things, except with bullets and gas rather than brigading and public shaming.
Moreover, do you want to be a part of a community that spends time ostracizing anyone new who "doeznt fit the bill," and lynches, or a part of one that offers constructive criticism and friendly help?

I know which I prefer.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

MirkaLane wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:35 am
Moreover, do you want to be a part of a community that spends time ostracizing anyone new who "doeznt fit the bill," and lynches, or a part of one that offers constructive criticism and friendly help?

I know which I prefer.

You are just a squeaky wheel. You do realise you come off as the bully sometimes, right? You make an ass of yourself a least once a week here. The only time I seen anyone ostracizing any new people it came from you LOL. What are you even talking about

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:28 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:35 am
Moreover, do you want to be a part of a community that spends time ostracizing anyone new who "doeznt fit the bill," and lynches, or a part of one that offers constructive criticism and friendly help?

I know which I prefer.
You are just a squeaky wheel. You do realise you come off as the bully sometimes, right? You make an ass of yourself a least once a week here. The only time I seen anyone ostracizing any new people it came from you LOL. What are you even talking about
I'm referring more to Reddit, but okay bro, you are free to your opinion. I really appreciate how you got personal and I didn't, really weak. Go make ad hominem attacks on Reddit, you'll fit in better.
Last edited by MirkaLane on Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:31 pm I've read your posts. I found it ironic you want a safe space but then are aggressive yourself
I attack when attacked. Thats all.

I don't think there is any other single user who has been more attacked and accused of being a shill than I have, either here or on Reddit. The personal attacks to my character are daily and constant, and its enough to wear anybody down to raw nerves. I'm basically functioning on fight instinct alone at this point and I don't expect to be making many more posts.

Much to the joy of many, I presume.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

cheapweedca wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:46 pm
cmom wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:16 pm I also had my comments removed when I questioned it, no explanation given but they obviously saw my question about the removal. There was at least one in question where the user posting had a long post history and nothing fishy
Abuse, MOM PICS isn't what it used to be

Get used to it, they'll only let you want to see what they want you to see =(
I'm not sure what it USED to be, but currently, it is a place where if you accidentally make too many posts as a new user, or if your photos are too good, or have ANY element of graphic design (text, borders, logos, etc), you will immediately be called out as a shill and attacked from all sides. It's a sad, biased place where people seem to prefer absolutely terrible photography over good photography, because anyone who can use a camera MUST be a shill... joke.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:45 am
dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:31 pm I've read your posts. I just found it ironic you want a safe space but then are aggressive yourself. :lol: You are right tho, just my opinion
He’s downvotes often on reddit because he’s an idiot lol not because of some “popularity” contest he made up to feel better
Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:07 am
Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:45 am
dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:31 pm I've read your posts. I just found it ironic you want a safe space but then are aggressive yourself. :lol: You are right tho, just my opinion
He’s downvotes often on reddit because he’s an idiot lol not because of some “popularity” contest he made up to feel better
Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.
Hello Friends,

I've watched this forum and both Reddits (before this iterations got shut down) and I'd like to pipe up.

This is retarded.


Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:07 am
Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:45 am
dbud wrote: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:31 pm I've read your posts. I just found it ironic you want a safe space but then are aggressive yourself. :lol: You are right tho, just my opinion
He’s downvotes often on reddit because he’s an idiot lol not because of some “popularity” contest he made up to feel better
Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.
Here we go again, someone poked Mirka and he went full retard. None of the people you are talking to here are mods anywhere, I don't even know what the fuck you are on about. You guys all stop this or I'll lock the thread. It's stuff like that that makes the community shit, stop feeding it, dammit.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

xsinx wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:39 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:07 am
Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:45 am

He’s downvotes often on reddit because he’s an idiot lol not because of some “popularity” contest he made up to feel better
Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.
Here we go again, someone poked Mirka and he went full retard. None of the people you are talking to here are mods anywhere, I don't even know what the fuck you are on about. You guys all stop this or I'll lock the thread. It's stuff like that that makes the community shit, stop feeding it, dammit.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

voose64 wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:20 pm hqdefault.jpg
xsinx wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:39 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:07 am

Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.
Here we go again, someone poked Mirka and he went full retard. None of the people you are talking to here are mods anywhere, I don't even know what the fuck you are on about. You guys all stop this or I'll lock the thread. It's stuff like that that makes the community shit, stop feeding it, dammit.
Good, lock it the fuck out. Disgusting gang of putrid internet stalkers. Fuck all of ya.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

xsinx wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 2:39 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:07 am
Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:45 am

He’s downvotes often on reddit because he’s an idiot lol not because of some “popularity” contest he made up to feel better
Fuck you ya dumb cunt. All of you mods are crooked cocksuckers. I just had my review removed for no reason at all on Reddit. Nazi fucking joke. I suggest everyone abandon this community and reform under ZERO admins, because these guys are drugged up losers.
Here we go again, someone poked Mirka and he went full retard. None of the people you are talking to here are mods anywhere, I don't even know what the fuck you are on about. You guys all stop this or I'll lock the thread. It's stuff like that that makes the community shit, stop feeding it, dammit.
Btw, as a mod, you should be able to keep your cool and not devolve to insults against users. You're telling others not to poke me by calling me a retard? What a douchecanoe. You constantly let it slide the abuse that I take, but the minute I stir shit, board warning and temp ban. YOU need replacing as a mod; somebody with an even temper and more sense.
Last edited by MirkaLane on Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:11 pm
EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:06 pm You're the stalker. I saw what you did to that guy on reddit, literally commenting on every post he made in the last week. Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you, crazy ass hoe.
That mother fucker came out of nowhere and put me on blast, he just got the fight he was looking for.. So butt out, moron.
Nice one! I haven't heard the "everyone has to be the perfect person but I can be a piece of shit because I want to" excuse in a while. You're a fucking joke, and you have no support from anyone because you insult someone for being a child and then proceed to be childish back. Why don't you own your words and leave like you said you're going to? FYI you're not welcome here solely due to your own actions. Your reviews are one thing but to call out someone for saying you went full retard and asking them to be punished while stalking someone for a week on reddit is just laughable. Take a break bud, you need it.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:18 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:11 pm
EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:06 pm You're the stalker. I saw what you did to that guy on reddit, literally commenting on every post he made in the last week. Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you, crazy ass hoe.
That mother fucker came out of nowhere and put me on blast, he just got the fight he was looking for.. So butt out, moron.
Nice one! I haven't heard the "everyone has to be the perfect person but I can be a piece of shit because I want to" excuse in a while. You're a fucking joke, and you have no support from anyone because you insult someone for being a child and then proceed to be childish back. Why don't you own your words and leave like you said you're going to? FYI you're not welcome here solely due to your own actions. Your reviews are one thing but to call out someone for saying you went full retard and asking them to be punished while stalking someone for a week on reddit is just laughable. Take a break bud, you need it.
People like you have nothing better to do than jump on bandwagons... Get a life.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:20 pm
EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:18 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:11 pm

That mother fucker came out of nowhere and put me on blast, he just got the fight he was looking for.. So butt out, moron.
Nice one! I haven't heard the "everyone has to be the perfect person but I can be a piece of shit because I want to" excuse in a while. You're a fucking joke, and you have no support from anyone because you insult someone for being a child and then proceed to be childish back. Why don't you own your words and leave like you said you're going to? FYI you're not welcome here solely due to your own actions. Your reviews are one thing but to call out someone for saying you went full retard and asking them to be punished while stalking someone for a week on reddit is just laughable. Take a break bud, you need it.
People like you have nothing better to do than jump on bandwagons... Get a life.

Maybe if you weren't such a hypocritical asshole people wouldn't be angry at you.

Re: Why are certain moms/reviews censored from mompics?

EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:25 pm
MirkaLane wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:20 pm
EastCoastMedReview wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:18 pm

Nice one! I haven't heard the "everyone has to be the perfect person but I can be a piece of shit because I want to" excuse in a while. You're a fucking joke, and you have no support from anyone because you insult someone for being a child and then proceed to be childish back. Why don't you own your words and leave like you said you're going to? FYI you're not welcome here solely due to your own actions. Your reviews are one thing but to call out someone for saying you went full retard and asking them to be punished while stalking someone for a week on reddit is just laughable. Take a break bud, you need it.
People like you have nothing better to do than jump on bandwagons... Get a life.

Maybe if you weren't such a hypocritical asshole people wouldn't be angry at you.
Everything was cool until I posted a few "shilly" photos in MOM/pics, and the whole space blew up at me and just expected me to eat their shit, and beg for forgiveness. I'm not that guy.