This post is not bashing or putting down cheapweed or tony. They are an amazing company and I have been extremely happy with every order and I have never had an issue till now. The product is absolutely amazing and you won't get the quality for the prices anywhere else. This post is just me looking for some guidance as I am not sure what to do I am new to the mom community as of last year.
New to the community and excited to get involved ! I have been ordering from since around august. I love every minute of it !! All the product is amazing and you always know your getting your moneys worth. I am never worried about what I am getting when I order from Tony. I order every couple weeks. Run a small dispensary with roughly 15-20 customers and growing all the time ! (Small city) Everyone is in love with the product that I can supply them with for decent prices. Where I am from if you wanted some decent stuff it was gonna cost you. I never had any issues with any of my orders other then a couple during the strike that were taking a while.
But my last two orders have been a bit stressful on my end. Two weeks ago I ordered my usual OZ selection. I ordered 9 and also I am growing so every order gonna add in full LBs. I ordered 2lbs and 9ozs. Recieved my package and was missing my ounce of Kush Bomb

Im so unsure how to proceed........he says hes going to look into it further. I love everything about CW and Tony. I hate how this has happened and do not want this effecting my other orders with them. I do not want to find someone or somewhere else. I just want whats mine if that makes sense. But even if he doesnt provide me with it I understand where hes coming from because we have never met sorta my word against who packaged my order..... How should I proceed with my future orders? Videotape opening the package? Any feedback helps thanks