It's not super often that I get somewhat of a complaint of customers finding a few seeds in their order but I do get them here and there. If you know me, I like to handle problems head on and take care of the customer to a 100% satisfaction.
I'd like to know what you guys think and or expect when you find some seeds in your order. If you need to know how many, let's say 2-5 in an ounce. How do you expect you MoM to handle it?
I'll be 100% honest, it's an interesting one to me. I like to try and feel out the customer, as usually they would show me whatever problem they have and wait for me to come up with a remedy. That's fair to do. If it's cut and dry, then it's a simple fix. For some reason I find that when I get told about and shown seeds, I just kinda ask for what they would like or expect done.
I totally understand that expectations are super high from us and that's ok because many MoMs deliver on them.
As a paying customer, your thoughts and expectations once you find seeds in your order, if you wouldn't mind