Lost parcel

Hey guys I just want to say that I’ve been ordering from cheapweed.ca for almost 2 years now. I’d say about 50 parcels delivered. I went to my mailbox today and to my absolute horror Canada post had cut the tamper tape on my parcel and had taken the half pound out of the box, then taped up the box with packing tape and let the parcel go through. I just want to let everyone know that this could happen. I haven’t heard back from cheapweed yet so I don’t know if I’m out the 700$ or what. Be careful people. The tracking says delivered too so I could very well be out the money. If I knew how to put pictures up on this thing I would put the pics of the box having been tampered with too. BE CAREFUL

Re: Lost parcel

xsinx wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:08 pm Yeah there is a whole drama thread right now on reddit, apparently someone is targeting CW packages somewhere in BC because tons of people from different places are reporting the same thing.
Yeah i just saw the same thread on reddit, probably best to stay away until its sorted out.

Re: Lost parcel

Rifter wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:48 pm
xsinx wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:08 pm Yeah there is a whole drama thread right now on reddit, apparently someone is targeting CW packages somewhere in BC because tons of people from different places are reporting the same thing.
Yeah i just saw the same thread on reddit, probably best to stay away until its sorted out.
If we value our money it is best to avoid entirely and only buy from Mom's that offer stealth packaging.This is a large scale ripoff and will likely be repeated.

Re: Lost parcel

Chopper wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:11 pm Just finished reading the Reddit thread and now I'm worried because I have a CW package coming in today that went through the Richmond facility where the thefts happened. I have a bad feeling about this...
I received my empty package yesterday. In retrospect I should have refused the package, but I accepted it and recorded a video of the opening. I sent an email to CW with video attached and received a response roughly 12 hours later. It was a pre-written response asking me to provide the tracking number and pictures(tracking #, order #, and video were all included in the original email) as well as stating they were opening an investigation with CP.

This order was placed exactly 1 week ago. Currently, I'm completely out of flower. I squished some old coffee grinder kief that's been sitting in a mason jar into rosin. Potent, but I'm almost out. Next, I have a HP of trim in my freezer that I'm going to wash in ethanol for some hash oil. Then it's on to the rosin chips I've been saving up. Ethanol bath for them as well.

I'll be placing another order with a different MOM today. Because I'm out $400 due to this fiasco, I can only afford an oz(woe is me!). Not the end of the world, but damn, it's bad timing for me, as normally my finances are not so tight, and I always had lots of weed in my stash. C'est la vie. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that an order today will get to me in Ontario by Friday, before I have to dive into those rosin chips.

Any reputable MOMs with good first customer deals? I've been buying exclusively from CW for a number of months now, so I'm a little out of loop.

I've been following the Reddit threads on this and here's what I know so far:

- the thefts are still happening. Do not place any new orders with CW.
- Tony has been in contact with a head supervisor at CP. He informed CP that the packages contained cannabis.
- Tony also informed CP that "there has been reported theft on over 15 packages per day based on drop off the previous week".
- Tony stated he had a situation 2 weeks previous to this one in which parcels would not scan or update. Stated that all were replaced.
- Tony says he wishes to conduct a full investigation before a proper resolution is offered.

I've always liked Cheapweed, but this situation is completely out of my control. Since no immediate resolution has been offered I have no choice but to assume I'm out $400. At this current time I will no longer purchase from CW and fully encourage others to not do so either, for your own safety. If this happens to be satisfactorily solved in the future, then great! In the meantime, I will wait to see how things turn out, and move forward with my weed purchasing life.

Re: Lost parcel

I recieved 2 out of 3 packages today empty. 9k spent 3k received. Have another 3 k package due in tomorrow. Will be calling a lawyer today and video tapping the drop tomorrow during signature. I'm assuming this package will be empty as well and will have video evidence pre signature that Canada Post received it, weighed it, cut open the bottom, stole items, resealed and delivered empty box well below weight. This is completely on Canada Post as weights on check in at local facility should match weight at check in. The fact that they are delivering below weight boxes show how poorly they follow procedure. I will follow up in this thread with my lawyers contact info as a class action lawsuit for Canada Post could be coming

Re: Lost parcel

So, how does this exactly work with Tony telling the head supervisor at CP the packages were filled with weed?

I mean, disclosure is the only way to get to the bottom of this, but how is he not admitting to breaking the law? I wonder if CP is simply more interested in discovering a possible insider theft ring.

Re: Lost parcel

I'm expecting my parcel today not from CW but from KT (first time ordering from them too) and it came directly through the Richmond, BC sorting facility where all this disaster seems to be stemming from. I thought that this was only a CW problem but i've seen claims from other people on reddit having same empty box scenario (SG and JJMed). Fingers crossed.

Edit: Package arrived un-tampered with!
Last edited by HighAllTheTimeGuy on Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Lost parcel

Just received my empty parcel today..... Feck.
I have another that should have been delivered today as well but it did not come yet... I seriously hope the next arrives full like it should. I’m shuddering thinking I could be out 2.25 units as I’m already missing 1.25. I seriously hope there is some sort of reasonable resolution to this issue. I’m trying to remain calm but I’m flipping shit on the inside.

Re: Lost parcel

So i also lost a p in this whole CP fiasco , pack was from CW. I been ordering from them for over a year and nothing like this has ever happened. All of these thefts, as far as I can tell, happened AFTER a DDOS attack on the CW servers. I am not a computer professional, but I was under the impression that DDOS attacks are great at breaking into secure databases like those that would hold all of CW's shipping information. I really don't think this is some sort of exit strategy on CW's part, I think this seems like a calculated attack on their business. If anyone on here has better knowledge of how DDOS attacks work, I think it would go a long way to showing that this isn't Tony trying to screw over the entire community, just a merciless attack on a provider trying to offer us proper access to this product.

I am eager to hear if anyone could confirm or deny what I'm thinking currently, as a lot of people seem to be besides themselves at the moment!

Re: Lost parcel

DDOS is basically too many people knocking on a door, and the homeowner just stops answering the door because they've been up off the couch too many times. Those lousy kids are playing knock-knock ginger. Fuck it, if the person is serious they'll come back later. I'm not getting up.

It doesn't expose a backdoor, or any other entry way. It just shuts down the website to valid request.

Re: Lost parcel

A DDOS(distributed denial of service) attack attempts to overwhelm a web server with a sudden spike in traffic, the goal being to freeze the server so that it stops working, much in the same way your home computer freezes up and you have to reboot to get it working again. This works through what's called a zombie network, which are hacked computers that will start to send traffic to the target website at the command of the hacker(s). This all runs in the background on the hacked computers so that the users have no idea their computers are participating in a distributed attack. So if you have a zombie network of 10000 computers and direct them all to access cheapweed.ca at the same time, you can see how this would shutdown a server.

That's why the whole "Tony DDOSed his own server" argument is nonsense. DDOSing takes time, skill, and knowledge. All that effort to shutdown his server so that he can... What? Not make money because he took down his own server? Seems to me it would be much simpler to accept as many orders as possible then shutdown and disappear, like your typical exit scam.

With the DDOS attacks, extortion attempts, and now mass theft to the point CW has had to stop taking orders could potentially destroy Cheapweed. For an operation the size of Tony's time is money, and the bigger the operation, the more money is lost. Also, the hit to CW's reputation is something they may never be able to recover from.

Re: Lost parcel

Chopper wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:15 am A DDOS(distributed denial of service) attack attempts to overwhelm a web server with a sudden spike in traffic, the goal being to freeze the server so that it stops working, much in the same way your home computer freezes up and you have to reboot to get it working again. This works through what's called a zombie network, which are hacked computers that will start to send traffic to the target website at the command of the hacker(s). This all runs in the background on the hacked computers so that the users have no idea their computers are participating in a distributed attack. So if you have a zombie network of 10000 computers and direct them all to access cheapweed.ca at the same time, you can see how this would shutdown a server.

That's why the whole "Tony DDOSed his own server" argument is nonsense. DDOSing takes time, skill, and knowledge. All that effort to shutdown his server so that he can... What? Not make money because he took down his own server? Seems to me it would be much simpler to accept as many orders as possible then shutdown and disappear, like your typical exit scam.

With the DDOS attacks, extortion attempts, and now mass theft to the point CW has had to stop taking orders could potentially destroy Cheapweed. For an operation the size of Tony's time is money, and the bigger the operation, the more money is lost. Also, the hit to CW's reputation is something they may never be able to recover from.
You can pay a few hundred bucks for someone to DDOS for you.