Giddy Up!
Our stock room at the new place is getting FULL! Super excited to shut down, do inventory, get pre-packed and launch back up! It wouldn't be wise of me to chat about weight going up BUT prices have been quite high lately, as I'm sure you may have noticed in our industry AND products have been a bit tougher to come by. We're gonna EAT the extra cost we paid for some good stuff and offer some beauties (mostly favorites) at $99. Its gonna be tough to also offer something extra because of the new move and location but I'm sure we will do something extra

It will all be in our Email Blast
Thanks for the best wishes on the move guys and gals! Yes, so far so good! the new place is a beauty

I love to set up businesses from top to bottom when it comes to buying and selling, so this is exciting for me haha.
We have a couple of larger Twisted orders on their way in as we speak, so we should be pretty loaded up! I'm trying to work out a few deals with their people to do even more with them. We have used them exclusively for edibles and have grown quite fast. It will be time for them to want to keep being the only edibles on the site very soon

Let's see how that goes!
Tom, we do offer bulk deals. For the weights you are looking for, keep an eye out for $99'ers. That price along with our rewards program will get you right where you need to be with some great products IMO.
Kefka, I think you would be the first to look at our menu and say it looks like a waste of money but hey, you do have a lot of options out there! Maybe keep an eye when we open back up... You might change your mind. If you do value the public's opinion on products and purchases, you can read our comments on each product, as none are cherry-picked, they all get approved. We also built our business within the Online Cannabis Communities, so I think that we have some people that have an idea of what good products are.
Rifter, the Stivas will be coming in at a later date BUT I'm not sure what I will be pricing a new strain called Citrus Skunk but that is quite the nice Sativa Dominant Hybrid that you might enjoy. Has a wicked Citrus nose on it, so if you dig that, maybe give that a try
If our rewards program, free gifts.... are not your thing and you just like to keep it simple and buy bulk, please let me know by PM, as we have an option for you there as well.
Any questions, fire away