I'm writing this from the point of view that everything Tony says is true. I don't necessarily believe everything he says – no corporation shares all it’s truths – but, in its core, I don’t believe this ‘Empty Box” fiasco to be a scam.
These are the updates as per CW:
- 1. Packages are going out the door – Anyone who paid for a package that wasn’t mailed will be receiving their package first.
a. Only ~40 packages are being sent each day. This is a temporary measure to ensure the new packaging isn’t tampered with. The number of packages sent per day will increase based on the results of the first few days of deliveries. (People started receiving packages on or around July 17)
2. Customers who reported an empty box, seized box, refused box, stuck in transit etc… should have 25% credit already in their CW account. After the ‘unsent boxes’ are finished he will begin personally dealing with anyone that does not want the 25% credit and discount to make up the difference. I believe at this point the store will be reopened and you can use the credit and/or discount.
The stated reason for the credit/discount for empty boxers from CW was: They are concerned that not all reports of empty boxes are valid. He is giving everyone the credit and discount – but is willing to deal with people who do not want his deal on a case by case basis.
There is no use in constantly trying to change Tony’s mind – This is how he is going to deal with it. In the last week – everything Tony said he was going to do, he has done. At this point, unless Tony stops sending packages – you can be confident that he will get to you. Worrying about it won’t change a thing.
At the end of all this, I think Tony and CW should seriously consider hiring someone to manage their crisis management because he and CW are doing the right thing. It’s just too slow, and there is not a proper communication channel between the company and its customers to ‘get the message out.’
I wrote this because this channel gave me the information, I need at the time I needed – I hope this helps others who are still trying to learn what is going on.