KIng tut's flushing?

Hello guys, i placed an order on kt website, dutch reserve bubble hash, most part of it and 2 shatter. The options for the hash has about7-8 different strains, but all of thems are the same hash. It looks like they tried to add some terps to generic bubble hash, but the problem is that the hash is unsmokeable. Why ? well because i really think the product made to make this hasnt been flushed properly. I had pink anxiety and chocolope shatter, the chocolope is good but what about the pink? yeah, taste like fertilizers. What would you guys do, if you had 175$ of unsmokeable weed? I tried to contact thems on wednesday morning but they dont seems to care about it. Sorry for my bad english, i usually speak french. I would really need a site to order full melt bubble hssh if you guys know some good places thx

Edit : They contacted me by e mail this morning and they seems to help me with the situation, hope we will be able to resolve the problem, i will stay in touch with you guys, thanks for the answers.
Last edited by julti669 on Sun Oct 20, 2019 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

>I had pink anxiety and chocolope shatter, the chocolope is good but what about the pink? yeah, taste like fertilizers.

I've been seeing that on reddit, that KT shatter has been bad and tastes off, like fertilizer or sulfur, and that they're just denying any issues or that they have any complaints, and that they 'do in house testing and everything is good' or something.
Messing up happens, but take responsibility and make it right, them refusing to is concerning.

Sorry you got shit stuff, hope someone recommends a good place for hash.

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

JBC wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:47 am They’ve had a ton of complaints on Reddit lately about this type of issue. When it comes to concentrates what you put in is what you get out.

I’d be demanding new product and moving on from them.
I bought some shatter from them and never will buy anything else from them after getting such bad quality.I also speak badly about them if anyone wants to buy any Cannabis products online.Too many good MOM's with great product to buy from KT.They are the Walmart of the MOM's.

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

KT will be the next big exit scam...calling it right now. I've never got a good feeling from them. Ordered twice a while back and both orders were shit and judging from the community, the standard of their products is getting worse and worse. I got some Pink anxiety live resin that was totally garbage. And the 'buddy buddy' attitude from the guy that runs it has always rubbed me the wrong way. Trying too hard to come across friendly and trustworthy. I won't go near them again and I advise everyone else to do the same

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

julti669 wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:58 am Hello guys, i placed an order on kt website, dutch reserve bubble hash, most part of it and 2 shatter. The options for the hash has about7-8 different strains, but all of thems are the same hash. It looks like they tried to add some terps to generic bubble hash, but the problem is that the hash is unsmokeable. Why ? well because i really think the product made to make this hasnt been flushed properly. I had pink anxiety and chocolope shatter, the chocolope is good but what about the pink? yeah, taste like fertilizers. What would you guys do, if you had 175$ of unsmokeable weed? I tried to contact thems on wednesday morning but they dont seems to care about it. Sorry for my bad english, i usually speak french. I would really need a site to order full melt bubble hssh if you guys know some good places thx

Edit : They contacted me by e mail this morning and they seems to help me with the situation, hope we will be able to resolve the problem, i will stay in touch with you guys, thanks for the answers.
Of course, the issue was resolved, just like any other real issue we have had.

I think the only exit scam might be the communication with these online Cannabis Communities, just like just about every other successful MoM in this industry. Business is more than great these days, and it's all to do with word of mouth, as that's the only way we grow, so for many of you that enjoy our products and service, thanks for the referrals!

"Exit scam, called it here first" What an absolutely idiotic thing to say. It takes someone who has and will achieve very little in life to say something like that FYI. Why would a successful business exit scam anyone?

And for the other memebr to say that my involvement in the multiple online Cannabis Communities rubbed him the wrong way? My involvement in staying in touch, learning and communicating with people online rubbed you the wrong way? lol. I guess I could have not been a part of communication, answering questions, having conversations.... I guess that would have made you feel a bit more comfortable. You guys.... some of you are special. For those of you that enjoy having MoMs around here, you should probably tell morons like that, that they do not speak on behalf of everyone.

Well, back to work for me, things need to get accomplished on a daily basis :)


Re: KIng tut's flushing?

King Tuts wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:24 pm
julti669 wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:58 am Hello guys, i placed an order on kt website, dutch reserve bubble hash, most part of it and 2 shatter. The options for the hash has about7-8 different strains, but all of thems are the same hash. It looks like they tried to add some terps to generic bubble hash, but the problem is that the hash is unsmokeable. Why ? well because i really think the product made to make this hasnt been flushed properly. I had pink anxiety and chocolope shatter, the chocolope is good but what about the pink? yeah, taste like fertilizers. What would you guys do, if you had 175$ of unsmokeable weed? I tried to contact thems on wednesday morning but they dont seems to care about it. Sorry for my bad english, i usually speak french. I would really need a site to order full melt bubble hssh if you guys know some good places thx

Edit : They contacted me by e mail this morning and they seems to help me with the situation, hope we will be able to resolve the problem, i will stay in touch with you guys, thanks for the answers.
Of course, the issue was resolved, just like any other real issue we have had.

I think the only exit scam might be the communication with these online Cannabis Communities, just like just about every other successful MoM in this industry. Business is more than great these days, and it's all to do with word of mouth, as that's the only way we grow, so for many of you that enjoy our products and service, thanks for the referrals!

"Exit scam, called it here first" What an absolutely idiotic thing to say. It takes someone who has and will achieve very little in life to say something like that FYI. Why would a successful business exit scam anyone?

And for the other memebr to say that my involvement in the multiple online Cannabis Communities rubbed him the wrong way? My involvement in staying in touch, learning and communicating with people online rubbed you the wrong way? lol. I guess I could have not been a part of communication, answering questions, having conversations.... I guess that would have made you feel a bit more comfortable. You guys.... some of you are special. For those of you that enjoy having MoMs around here, you should probably tell morons like that, that they do not speak on behalf of everyone.

Well, back to work for me, things need to get accomplished on a daily basis :)

Dude you run a below par mail order weed site that sends out shit product. Don't think you can talk about accomplishing anything in your life. Cheapweed was far more successful than you'll ever be and Tony scammed everyone so success doesn't mean shit. All I know is your product is clearly getting worse and people are catching on to it. Keep up with that friendly neighbourhood drug dealer act. I see right through it. And I've been around this community long enough to have formed my opinion over time. It won't change cuz you're calling on other community members to call me out for speaking against you.

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

In life, this would be the first time "Below Par" and I would be in the same sentence. I guess it took someone from across the country and on a computer to do so. I'm sure that I could learn a lot from you in business. I'll make sure to keep an eye on your posts and maybe learn something! Until then, I'll keep doing what I do, sending out products that you beg for samples and promo codes for.

I have never and will never scam anyone. I'm not a religious person but I do believe in Karma. I think good trhings happen to good people and of course vice versa.

You got a bit more of my time but I was glad to respond :)

I'll be keeping an eye out for your posts! Have a great day :)

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

King Tuts wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:51 pm In life, this would be the first time "Below Par" and I would be in the same sentence. I guess it took someone from across the country and on a computer to do so. I'm sure that I could learn a lot from you in business. I'll make sure to keep an eye on your posts and maybe learn something! Until then, I'll keep doing what I do, sending out products that you beg for samples and promo codes for.

I have never and will never scam anyone. I'm not a religious person but I do believe in Karma. I think good trhings happen to good people and of course vice versa.

You got a bit more of my time but I was glad to respond :)

I'll be keeping an eye out for your posts! Have a great day :)
Lol fuck off. You tryna indicate that I've ever asked for samples from your shit stash is hilariously disingenuous. Keep up your passive aggressive comments, it makes you come across as a clown.

And I think it's fucking hilarious how you say your brand has never been associated with 'below par', on a thread talking about whether your product has been flushed properly. Ironic much? Maybe you're just oblivious to the numerous complaints that are constantly voiced about your products.

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

Ridikilous wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:36 am No Comments from KT on the below par shatter?
Talked to him about different things earlier this week. He pretty much took the stance a lot of MOMs take, which is to distance themselves from specific cases and focus on the bigger picture. He said he does get the occasional sub par batch but it accounts for almost nothing in the sheer volume he's moving, it's just that people get hung up on things. He's moving huge amount and it's growing, so things are bound to not always be perfect.

He's gearing up to make his own in-house too, which means tighter quality control hopefully.

If you have an issue with any MOM product, take it up to them in a respectful manner with manageable expectations and things should go smoothly. KT has excellent customer service so unless you come off as an asshole I'm sure he'll make things right. Same goes for most MOMs

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

xsinx wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:46 am
Ridikilous wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:36 am No Comments from KT on the below par shatter?
Talked to him about different things earlier this week. He pretty much took the stance a lot of MOMs take, which is to distance themselves from specific cases and focus on the bigger picture. He said he does get the occasional sub par batch but it accounts for almost nothing in the sheer volume he's moving, it's just that people get hung up on things. He's moving huge amount and it's growing, so things are bound to not always be perfect.

He's gearing up to make his own in-house too, which means tighter quality control hopefully.

If you have an issue with any MOM product, take it up to them in a respectful manner with manageable expectations and things should go smoothly. KT has excellent customer service so unless you come off as an asshole I'm sure he'll make things right. Same goes for most MOMs
It's all about how you speak to people :P

Re: KIng tut's flushing?

Hello again :)

The online Cannabis Communities is where I started. I have lot's to thank many of you around here, Discord and maybe Reddit haha. We do not do any sort of marketing, SEO or anything like that, it's all been a hustle and word of mouth. So, in order to have progressed as far as we have and still are, something must be going right. Please also remember that less than a fraction of a % of Cannabis partakers feel that they have to be part of an online community, most just order, and enjoy. The power that some of you think you have is really just in your imagination. The effect that reviews have online is extremely minimal, once MoM passes a certain amount of happy customers, the ball just starts rolling from there. Their only demise would be to constantly send out crap, which would, in turn, lose the customer and of course, not give them a reason to tell a friend. Business at King Tuts shows that we are doing a great job.

The negative online reviews are magnified big time. Just one bad reviewer will make sure to put his or her review on every available platform online and make sure to mention their negative review every time that MoMs name shows up. This makes things look very lopsided. You few know who you are and I can see really enjoy your work and MAYBE just MAYBE enjoy something to complain about.

Again, the happy member or customer either simply enjoy their product or once in a while drops a small simple review and moves on. They don't have to jump on every platform, and post in every thread they see that MoMs name come up. These are simply happy people. Believe it or not, the negative thrive off of negativity and enjoy writing negative comments. Misery also loves company, so you will always see their buds jump in and create a 5 page thread on their negative experience. The best part about these negative people are the ones who have never even placed an order and try and call you out. You would not believe the number of times I have asked privately for an order number and the issue they had but to come back with, "I'm asking for my community".

For every 1 bad review, remember there are at the very least 100 happy customers.

We can chat about bad batches or shitty products. Yeah, we have come across them, sent them out and have had to pay for those mistakes. I am also 100% they will happen again and in turn, am 100% sure I will take care of these errors and do my best to rectify them. Nothing builds a stronger relationship with our members than once we handle an issue that they have to their 100% satisfaction.

Accusations of exit scam, getting rid of the KT Coins because we are greedy, shitty company etc.... These will always be accusations by those that have and will probably never accomplish much in their lives. These are words that make them feel better about themselves. Imagine telling a flourishing company that they will fail with a smile on their faces as they hit "post".

For me, I've been in sales and management for a long ass time. I've been bodybuilding for just as long. Not to toot my own horn but I have excelled at both. It's tough for me to find motivation from others in life, so where I find my motivation, is from the unmotivated, the lazy, the negative.... This is where I look for my motivation, as I want to be nothing like these people. Remember that when you see the same names talk shit about as many people as they can. They are just grumpy negative people that look for negativity to feel better about themselves.

So, this reply has nothing to do with building a stronger business within this community. It's just a reply because I love to chat :) I also wanted to shed a bit of light to those that lurk and just read comments. Don't always believe what you read, find out for yourself. Life is good. Failure is never an option for me and it should not be for you either. Surround yourself with positivity and people who have and will accomplish something. Feel sorry for those that are always negative, as it's a shitty way to live. Feel sorry for those that wish or assume failure for others because that's exactly the life they live and will live unless they make a change. Don't believe the hype, positive or negative, find out for yourself.

Well, back to work for me, it's midday here on the West Coast and things need to get done! What are you up to?
