First time user of MOM's and so far I'm mostly regretting it.

Good day to all of those that check this out, This will be my first post here and I thought that I should start off with saying that I'm not in the best of moods.

Why is this?

Probably because Canada Post aspires to fuck me over every which way possible. (My apologies if vocal curses aren't allowed.)

I ordered off of Shamrock Cannabis, considering that I've heard much about their reliability and what not, so I decided to have them be my first option for an Mom. On the 31st I ordered an OZ of Zombie OG, on reccomendation of someone I spoke to over there, and it was shipped that day.

Shamrock did well, exactly as they were supposed to, and as they said, it would be shipped the same day if ordered early enough. As it was.

However, Canada Post seems to strive for doing as little as humanly possible at any point in time.

Here's what they have done over the last week, while the order (Xpresspost) is supposed to be naught but 2-3 days for anywhere in Canada.

On the 31st it was Picked up in Coquitlam

On the 2nd it was Processed in Richmond.

On the 6th the Package was out for delivery all day, until 5:22 PM, when they decided to not deliver or even try, and simply just say that they left a Notice. But I was lurking the front door for 6 hours. I'd have heard, or seen, something. They say they left a Notice.. They didn't.

Today, On the 7th, since 4:00 AM, the Package has been on it's way to an office for me to pick it up. Shouldn't that have already been completed, considering the guy just gave up 3 hours before his shift was over? What was the point of loading the truck up only to unload it but not at where it should be?

I don't think they know what sensibility is.

Sorry for the rant, but god damn, I cannot say that this makes me want to Order from one ever again. (I know it's not your fault, Shamrock.)

Canada Post needs a serious dismantling, and I am in mid-prayer, hoping to hex the mind of that POS that just decided that I don't mind waiting a shit ton longer.

As I've always said, they have one easy ass job, one that they don't have to do.

I can only hope the Flower's well worth the wait, but I'm three quarters expecting them to make me come and pick up an emptied package.

Re: First time user of MOM's and so far I'm mostly regretting it.

I think I can speak on everyone's behalf when I say that CP is often a letdown to many of us. The holiday period was an absolute shit show, packages were being routed to the wrong places, incorrectly delivered, caught in the Richmond votex... By February it should be back to fairly normal.. Don't give up on MOMs on the back of CP's terribad service, because there is some absolute fire out there to be had.

Re: First time user of MOM's and so far I'm mostly regretting it.

CP sucks but its because the employees suck so hard this market gets to flourish..I have mailmans(been different everytime) and 7 out of 10 times I get the notice left fake as well ..Ive talked to CP about this and they know, so think complaints are related to the turn over of couriers

word of advice when it says notice left just means you can pick up your parcel after 1pm the next day at your local PO(usually a Shoppers Drug Mart) if it happens on a week-end it goes to a different location since the PO closes early.. all you need is ID with a matching address as the one on the parcel

Re: First time user of MOM's and so far I'm mostly regretting it.

Read this: ... 154#p33126

Like others said, CP fucks up once in a while, you'll see horror stories every single day but I've got over 150 orders in the past 2 years and they all made it even though some got held up. Flex removes the most problematic part, the end delivery driver, so use that in the future, it's free and much safer than having some mailman half ass his job. I've seen them just put a notice and leave, I've seen them scan packages as delivered and only deliver the next day, etc.... Remove that dude from the loop and save some headaches.