Lasting benefits of Cannabis?

Hey All,

For those who have are using cannabis to treat a symptom (anxiety, pain, insomnia, etc.)

- does the effects last?
- When you stop using, do your symptoms come back?
- If they do, do they come back just as severe as when you were not using?

I have always wondered about this and wanted to hear some first hand insights on this matter.

Re: Lasting benefits of Cannabis?

I use it to deal with Neuropathic pain from acdf surgery. I have to use large amounts of thc to be comfortable but have been off narcotics for over a year.
I smoke every day- dab pen / joints
I can go without for about 4 days until the pain is a 7/8 and takes about 2 days to start returning to normal and 7 days to get to 3/4 pain wise. So I just don't stop for any period of time now.