Another week, another conspiracy

Since this thread is all assumptions based on your post
" Tony is using a shill bot " or " He had a paid ad " or " canadiantrees is Tony, he's disrespecting people "
I will ' assume' that you've probably never purchased from us, but that's totally fine.
Anyhow, it's unfortunate for me to keep getting pulled into these conspiracies and drama however as the community does request me to speak up, I definitely will give my thoughts.
No disrespect towards you but this entire post is absurd, in each and everyone one of your points you're saying Tony did this, Tony did that based on what evidence or proof? You're just making assumptions but hey you are free to do as you wish
I have no acknowledge of a "PAID AD" your post was actually the first time I saw that, not even sure how to work Advertisements on Google, but hey there's nothing wrong with that. I might actually do some research into that.
Any business that wants to continue to grow, will not stay comfortable. A real entrepreneur will constantly stay busy, look for ideas to expand and continue to grow.
Being ambitious is the key words here, I feel you lack to see the perspective of another persons hard word and instead you frown upon their efforts.
I am here day in day out, replying emails, building relationship and friendships, looking at more Cannabis, studying, learning the market, following the community trends only to continue to provide the best service I possibly can, pretty transparent and straight forward.
Yet with the continuous hard word and dedication I put in each and everyday, it back lashes and just sparks more hate from others who have probably never been a client. Selfish in my opinion because nobody will ever see the time I've invested into myself and the community and the amount of work that gets put in
My clients can vouch, I reply emails on Saturdays and Sundays, nobody gets left without a response for more than a couple hours. I devoted majority of my life into this business because it's truly what I am passionate for and will continue to pursue.
Funny how the thread topic is " SCAM " , please define your definition of SCAM, around this community, SCAMMING means when you sent a MoM money, and they don't send your package

, that's something we will
NEVER do, thanks
- I didn't pay for any 'ADS', wasn't even aware of them
- Not too sure what a shill bot is either, but that's definitely not me.
- I am not canadiantrees on Reddit either, (Mod's please look at IP's and just confirm this with OP)
- Not going to bother digging into Reddit reviews to prove a point, but if you're saying its all new accounts, what do you have to say about the accounts that are not 'new'
- Regardless of whose posting, nobody has been given free product for a review, or paid for the review. Period, and that's that.
- Washed bud? That's new, lol if there was washed bud I would expect to have the person whom ordered, provide the order # and have an email complaint.
My 'assumption' is whoever mentioned that was never a client of ours as well, since at this point everyone just wants to make assumptions so let's just play that card
Our customer service is not two faced nor are there any jokes of it

If you were actually a client you would see how I actually treat my friends, everyone feels like family here.
I said from Day One, I want to be apart of this to help everyone strive and prosper. I love what I do, nothing will stop me.
You tried my weed? It was garbage?
You are forced to buy? Let's be real here, cmon NOBODY is forced or obligated to purchase. Look at how many steps you have to go through before you purchase from us
1.) You have to create an account,
2.) Browse our products,
3.) Log into your online banking
4.) Add us as a recipient then send a payment to us on your own will
So please don't say you were obligated to purchase.
I hope everyone is having a good night

, I'll leave it at that
Complicacy wrote: Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:04 pm
Interesting information you have here, however I'm wondering why I have to constantly state this, if you have NO EVIDENCE than please refrain from posting your theories. You label this thread as "Scam" yet it deals with advanced advertising? nothing to do with not receiving product after paying.
By a quick look I can say I'm fairly confident that is not CW, Why would they use a hidden referral link to their site?
If it was Tony they would have no benefit of using a referral.
To me this just looks like someone who must think the Referral system is a pretty decent money maker/saver & is making use of it.
Edit: Allieb94 & CanadianTrees are the same people so their reviews should be taken lightly.
Well said, thank you