First time MoM suggestion?

Tried posting this on the reddit but wasn't showing up for some reason, found this forum and figured it would be more civil anyways.

I am new to MoMs and looking to put in an order with one located in BC (preferably). Interested in Sativa/Sativa dominant strains and some good edibles (baked/candy). I have spent the last hour or so looking through the MoM list but I don't even know where to begin.

Just looking for a reliable spot that product is as advertised to order from, willing to pay up to 160ish an OZ (if theres cheaper but still quality that'd be great, not exactly rich at the moment) but wouldn't mind a place that sells grams/eigths etc to try multiple strains. Prefer edibles to be fairly strong so I don't have to eat a bunch of 10mg ones to get to where I want to be for example, any recommendations are highly appreciated!

Re: First time MoM suggestion?

I like skyhighexotics. I have placed 3 orders so far and been pleased with all of them. Ounce Deals, but can buy smaller. They do have a large selection of edibles but i have not tried any of them, as i get candies from CE. Lots of skyhigh pics on /r/mompics. I have Cream D'mint popcorn and GSC coming today and ill post to /mompics later. Ships out of Vancouver.

Re: First time MoM suggestion?

Hey there!

Check out our site, ! We are located in BC and sell a variety of high quality Sativa and Sativa-dominant hybrid strains as well as brownies, chocolate, gummies, and oils. Our strains start at $160 per ounce. We also offer sampler packs (search "savasana sampler" on our site) where you can try out 4 strains for a total weight of 1/2 ounce ($99) or 1 ounce ($189).

We also offer 20% off for first time buyers, just click the box in the bottom right corner and you'll be provided with the code :)

Kind of sounds like we're the perfect fit... if you need any more info feel free to message us back here or email us at [email protected]

Re: First time MoM suggestion?

This is actually a replacement for the Reddit. It was unfortunately banned. Boo.

Of all these people who've posted here, I know King Tut, Ganja West, and West Coast Cannabis all have some great deals for first time buyers. I've tried King Tut and wrote a review, and I'm considering ordering from those two for my next purchases. :)

Taking a peek at what's on the menu, if I were ordering from Ganja West I would get Durban Poison, a strain I've found a reliable high hitting energetic strain. It's definitely of the 'crush everything' sativa variety and it's one of my personal favorites. I would use the coupon code to get the extra 3.5 grams too. :)

If I were ordering from King Tuts, I would get an ounce of either Bruce Banner or Lemon Sour Diesel, I think either of those would best suit the strain type you want. A lot of their others are the relaxing bent right now. I would use the coupon code to get 25% off your first order and also get some free paraphernalia! They did treat me well.

Honestly it's a hard choice, both are pretty great perks. I'm sure the other sites suggested here are great too. :D