Otownkush wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:19 pm
Or maybe not, because every 5 threads in the Reddit is one complaining about them right now. Go with DIY for sure, OP you even said you used to do DIY olive oil, it's absolutely going to be the cheapest way since you can just select your olive oil base in a grocery store.
But pro tip if you want the best absorbent oil for skincare, it's emu oil. Super weird, yeah, but it's very easy to dissolve cannabis oil into and apply it to your skin/lips/etc. To do that, get an RSO/honey oil, Hillside Pharm carries that kind of product. Then blend the two together in a plastic or glass dish, something you can blend it and leave it in ideally, like an empty makeup container would work, then you can just dab some out onto your fingers and apply it on any dry spots or blemishes. I like to make two different levels, one where I have it just with the emu oil and I use that if my lips get super cracked and another one where I blend the emu oil mix with some coconut oil and that I use on my skin as lotion if I'm dry. One tube of RSO will last forever when you're not using it for anything other than this, you don't need a lot, the two different oils to blend it with, it's cost effective and the only difficult part is blending the two oils together.
I'd actually really like to make a line of cannalotion at some point, I've messed around a bunch. I don't know where to buy anything premade but I also don't know that I'd bother, because I just have a glass pot of canna-coconut-mint oil hanging around and it was so easy to make so yeah. (shrug)