CanadianMOM sweet sweet life changer
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:48 pm
Hello, first time poster, long time lurker...
Thanks to this forum I’ve had all good experiences with several different MOMs. I’ve tried Emerald Castle, bcbudbaby, my Green Solution, High Voltage extracts, and because I’m all about supporting local new startups I just put an order in for a qp from RoyalKure...I like that they’re active on this site. That’s definitely comforting, knowing that these MOMs are active on forums.
I just wanted to give this fantastic community mad shoutouts!! It certainly helps a lot with my research, which one absolutely must do before forking over large amounts of $$$ via Etransfer... talk about your leap of faith !
Thanks to this forum I’ve had all good experiences with several different MOMs. I’ve tried Emerald Castle, bcbudbaby, my Green Solution, High Voltage extracts, and because I’m all about supporting local new startups I just put an order in for a qp from RoyalKure...I like that they’re active on this site. That’s definitely comforting, knowing that these MOMs are active on forums.
I just wanted to give this fantastic community mad shoutouts!! It certainly helps a lot with my research, which one absolutely must do before forking over large amounts of $$$ via Etransfer... talk about your leap of faith !