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Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:21 am
by cheapweedca
Hi ^_^

This is my second time typing up this post.. as I put an hour + into this original post but.. when I tried to publish the CMOM forum gave me the 5 second loading DDOS thing.. Just my luck.. Anyways I'll condense it and revise what's been going on and reach out to the community and give you a very detailed timeline of event's that occurred resulting into our current present of where we stand. In which we hope clarifies and waives a lot of negative assumptions..

We have been extremely busy in trying to get the situation refused, resolved and move forward with our business, but the volume of emails and repeat communication does create more delays as there is a lot of stuff to filter through before being able to reach a client who hasn't been helped yet.
We apologize for not being able to respond to everyone, but given the volume and magnitude of what's happened it definitely is lengthily process to ensure everything is taken care of and handled.

Late May ending up to June we experienced a lot of targeted attacked to our company via DDOS, ransoms and all that crap leading to postal issues and a vicious situation with Canada Post.

Here's the timeline breakdown
- Late May - DDOS + RANSOMS
- Early June - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th - 450+ total packages seized, Cheapweed replaced ALL of them. ( have proof below )
- June 8th 9th, working on replacements but still getting DDOS'd <-- everyone got replaced 450+ PKGS
- June 19th (first report of empty box), only a few, not alarming enough to think twice
- June 22nd, more reports, first reddit thread came live <-- started to wonder now as there was a lot of attention on that which made me look into the issue
- June 23rd, - another wave came, starting to be interesting because packages will still getting delivered within those batches that we mailed
- June 24th - shipments from 19th, 22nd started to arrive, that's when we saw a larger volume of parcels get stolen via empty box + taped.
- June 25th / 26th, stopped shipping + disabled check out because there was a larger volume of stolen boxes being reported, emails getting FLOOOODED.
- June 27th, 28th, we still had payments + orders processing, however we did not ship them as a precaution (read later post)

I'll tackle each event in order,

DDOS + Ransoms, we were getting DDOS'd super hard someone was purposely trying to take us down and got emails for ransom via bitcoin
This went on for a few days at a very large scale.. customers knew and kept asking when the store would be back up. We switched hosting and had the issue " band-aided "

Early June 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th - Canada Post Seizures
We had shipments totaling up to over 450 packages or more , get seized.. and we kept our word and replaced every client.
675 LBS total involved, do the math significant losses. Had a minor reddit thread, clients vouched we fixed the issue, just shows our principals ... edit#gid=0
Above is a spreadsheet for proof and validation of our claim
If you track anything on the left side, it all got seized, or stolen meaning no scans after the original facility
If you track the right side, it's the replacements which all got replaced.
I've seen some people accuse us of lying about this, if you want proof let me know, I'd be more than happy to prove any original tracking # with the replacement tracking #, and I would have to censor out the customers information but can leave the last 3 digits of a postal code if that's what people want / need to see.
Literally replaced everyone involved, this one was CP seizure, out of our control but hey we made it right.

June 8th - 9th ish
Got ddos'd again, got kicked off our hosting, switched hosting.. new start. Only shitty thing was we were in the middle of orders being processed etc, without any access making it difficult to provide our clients any service without any access to order #'s , tracking's etc. - THIS WAS THE LAST EPISODE OF DDOS WOOT WOOT

June 19th - 24th
Long story short, we saw emails and reddit threads about this, we weren't totally concerned because it wasn't a lot the first few days
Until the Tuesday / Wednesday when Friday packages, and Monday packages that got shipped out started to arrive empty is when majority of the clients got affected resulting into crazy assumptions + debates on exit scam, theft etc. People were unhappy because we kept taking orders.. but like I said I can verify this that orders were still making it without any issues, and I felt it was just a certain amount of packages involved until the Tuesday / Wednesday we saw a shit ton of people, we decided to close the shop and go under full quarantine investigation.

June 25th - 28th MUST READ
We had still had payments and orders processing, but we decided last minute not to ship anything out to avoid any more stolen packages and risk.
The issue was we definitely forgot to contact everyone back, however we did make a list of people involved and tried to reach out to them.
We didn't want to ship as we wanted to make sure we knew what was happening and wanted to avoid losing anymore packages.
We have changed all of our packaging now, and have multiple return addresses etc, and are looking to re-ship everyone's package out even though we understand it has been a long delay.

We purposely issued an email blast to everyone affected to contact [email protected] if you had an empty box.. and contact [email protected] if you were affected by a package not being shipped because of our current canada post situation.

We kindly asked ONLY THOSE involved contact the correct inbox THAT way we can start the process of getting to a resolution. We had people not comply and send spam and flood both inboxes making it a longer process as we are still trying to filter the emails and compile a spreadsheet for point of contact.
People can't expect us to work 24/7 to get things done, as we already commit a minimum of 14 hours a day while managing family time to get this taken care of.
Honestly no excuse, but the amount of people flooding our inbox spamming and sending me death threats, saying im doing a lot of coacine, shit like kill your family and daughter is disgusting. We want to work efficient, but when you have shit like this going on, it WILL TAKE LONGER because we have to filter all this spam.

We understand our clients aren't happy about the 25% credit but we wanted to make a statement that because we lost a minimum of 800 packages.. from CP theft
675 LBs of seized packages last month... we definitely are out of operational capital.. resulting in me listing my home to get back some capital to run this business.
Everyone know's our menu was large, our warehouse was as well.. given the fact we got 800 packages stolen from us.. we really are cash/capital strapped resulting in not even being able to refund everyone involved even if we could or wanted to.

We issued a 25% store credit back, in hopes our loyal customers understand, as I am 100% positive any customer who has purchased from us has NEVER had an issue prior to this. That's where the disappointment came the most, instead we kept being called out and accused of exit scam, scammer this and that.. Like if this was a 50 package ordeal, no problem I could've resolved this within a day or so.

The fact we had 800 so far confirmed stolen, that's not only a lot of money, but a lot of customer attention we need to give. It's nearly impossible for anyone to expect us to reply anything more than our inboxes, because we do use our social profiles like discord / reddit, but man those got flooded with " FUCK YOU TONY " and it's really hard to figure out where to start. That's why I drifted off those platforms because it didn't get anything done, and honestly I didn't give two shits what people want to say. This community also lives for drama, anytime a tragic event happens to any MOM, people who aren't even a customer have a lot to say, but that's okay
Freedom of speech. I literally have been working day in day out on our inboxes to get things sorted out and resolved as soon as we can, that way we can relaunch as we've done packaging changing.. and hoping to make sure we have a strong relaunch in a few weeks.

We don't want anyone offended, but having to sell my house to continue to operate the business just shows how sincere we are of wanting to resolve the issue with patience, time and dedication. We work clockwork for you all, and we've proven it time and time again. We've given back to the community in so many ways that nobody has ever done.. and we feel that with one major issue that happens.. everyone tends to forget the good and genuine gestures and deeds + services we've provided to ensure a happy community. We're close to closing the deal, that way we will have some more operating money and hopefully our 25% store credit + discounts afterward to cover the loss is sufficient, as we plan to stick around no matter what.

Being straight up and honest, we will fix everything as fast as we can, regardless of what floats on those social platforms, this is merely only a dent to our business and a rough speed bump. We definitely will show the non-believers we are going to continue to strive and will survive after this.. but also a wake up call for all MOM's and customers involved in this industry to be wary of a few things.

We may get hit by unforeseen circumstances, ie shit like Canada Post stealing all of our shit, and it definitely is a shitty feeling for the customer but you can't leave the MOM out of the picture.. Just because we are the company it doesn't mean we have to be treated like shit because something went wrong. A customer is always right however given the nature of this online business.. it's always good to be aware that things like this MAY happen however not frequently. I would never wish this for any MOM, but if you are ever struck with something this major.. be prepared for two things, being down a lot of money, but also having a wave of pissed off and unhappy customers who will turn their back on you over $200-300 even though they've had great dealings with you for over a year.

It's crazy how things work, but we really do understand that $200 - $300 to an average customer means everything. Money is important, fair business practices are too.
I have been hearing from word of mouth a few other MOMs have either had packages seized, or stolen as well.. perhaps on a smaller scale but this is definitely a wake up call the CANADA POST IN BC know's what's going on, and there are definitely something about to happen.

We got targeted with all honesty because the volume of packages, we've mentioned our avg amount of packages that get shipped out daily.. and as a bulk company majority of our orders are 5oz +.. making it an irresistible heist.

Whether or not anyone chooses to believe we're exit scamming, I will say this is canada post.
I wouldn't spend the time to ship an empty box, pay for it's shipping, and it just blows my mind for anyone to not think " why the F would canada post not notice an empty box when they scan the god damn thing? Especially when a volume amount is being dropped off?

It would have to go to the canada post employee at the clerk.. then to the delivery driver.. unnoticed? No way in hell.

I got called out for my " canada post investigation " and challenged, how it took only 2 days and shit. Half the people that want to continue to assume only think the worse. My definition of investigation simply meant, I needed to pause business and find out WTF was going on.

How did I do this?

1.) Call CP service line like x092104923420 times to read what each representative told me on how CP works, from the post office to the depot to the plane..
2) Speak to a CP regional manager on situations like this, and if theft at the facility is possible or where possible theft could happen
3) Go to the actual post office(S) and speak to the employees, feel them out and see if there was anything was premeditated which was
4) Scope out the delivery driver and see if that was the issue

Ultimately I came conclusive that it would have been the delivery driver from the post office, to Richmond facility. Ask around, any delivery driver doesn't have GPS or an expected time to return to Richmond for packages to be processed.
They simply have ONE DESIGNATED ROUTE, within those routes are post offices they need to go to pick up parcels.

I am 100% confident and positive this was the point of entry where the thefts happened, because it didn't make sense how some still got delivered without any tampering. We don't use clear white tape either. That being said, to avoid this from happening, we have a 3 day rotation of different parcel types , shapes and sizes.. hoping to eliminating this from ever reoccurring again.

We're not going or defend ourselves, I really don't care what people think at this point. I know what I will do as a business owner, and that's to ensure we handle the situation with empty boxes, and packages that haven't been shipped and hope our clients understand truly where we are coming from and can have an understanding from our shoes, rather then to assume, SCAM SCAM SCAM! I have more important things to do then follow a vicious pack of users online, some involved and some who aren't even involved to argue and continue to argue we're a scam.

If I wanted to scam, I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't reply + I would've left my shop open and kept taking payments and orders.
I closed the shop right when I noticed there was a big problem with Canada Post, and for anyone who wants to call me out on that,
Look at the dates of when we stopped taking orders, and run that through your head and tell me if 1+1 adds up to 2.

There's an explanation for everything that's happened, everything aligns as it's nothing but the truth
For people who ask silly questions like why I ignore their questions about why this and why that
The main one I always keep seeing
" hows it possible a HP can come out the box with a half slit "

I don't dodge the question, it's just a stupid question
You're asking me to answer how something is possible when I have zero involvement

It's like asking me, why is the M in McDonalds yellow? -... Ummm not too sure??@?@#Q??@#?$#=0432243 XDDDD

Choose to believe what you wish, I stand firm on this as I was the one who ultimately got affected in all angles, shipping, my company and my business capital. You can believe us, or continue to assume or believe we've scammed you or fucked you over.

As for the people who aren't even a cheapweed customer please continue to spend time following us, and giving your hate and opinions on OUR misfortune of events.. I appreciate the love either way, your attention is on us 24/7 , and that's what really matters ;)

On a side note, the even shittier thing was customers who actually got their package.. but claim they got an empty box because of how large scale this event got.
on all platforms.. people I know who received it.. are taking advantage of the situation
PS: when you package has arrived for 2 days + signed, then I get an email " i got an empty box " lol.. that's the disappointing part.

We get accused of being scammers, but get scammed in the midst of it lol
I've given a large chunk of refunds to those really in need, to be fair with all, I even have proof of e-transfers back .. however still don't see any recognition of it, just still playing with the fire in the threads to gain more out of the situation

I know whose really loyal, and whose honest, I can't wait to filter that part of our business out as well.

Looking forward to getting things done, moving forward,
I will say this

We aren't going to die from this, we know it will take time to fix the issues, however with cooperation of those involved, and respecting our guidelines, we will really be able to achieve things faster..


[email protected] if you got an empty box, (1 email max please)
[email protected] if you paid for you order, and we haven't shipped it. - we have a spreadsheet and will contact you and get this shipped out as we have changed our shipping methods, and do apologize for the delay

We just hope those affected under the [email protected] category understand.. we got bombarded with so many emails that got mixed in.. we weren't able to find out.. simply took a list of who didn't ship via date, and we have everything noted and hoping to get you all taken care of =)

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:34 am
by jimbojones77
cheapweedca wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:21 am I've given a large chunk of refunds to those really in need, to be fair with all, I even have proof of e-transfers back

I really need it, i even clarified why in several interactions.


Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:59 am
by Otownkush
Bro you’re the biggest dealer in the country - you couldn’t have some goons go figure this out in an hr if it WAS cp?

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:42 am
by nish
email sent to delay@cheapweed since i haven't had my package sent out ($1,079.10) i did receive a credit which i shouldn't have... anyway hopefully this situation is dealt with and i either get money or my package

i did send out a email to stolen as it was the only other email that was posted before

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:03 am
by Fireb
Nobody believes it was Canada Post.

It's far more likely it was your own guys that were packing/dropping off the packages, rogue or not.

Go ahead and actually change our minds though. Post the contact information of the postal inspector you claimed you had look into the thefts. Until you do this, everything else is a tap dance.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:41 am
by bcbuddy
Hey Tony! You say you don't care about what people think and you're not going to defend yourself?

Don't you care about what I think? I was a loyal customer and would like to think you were honest and cared about your clients.

Can't wait for you to open again on July 07 LOL 😉

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:12 am
by StormCrow
Been loyal... refused box at post office (cant be a douche screwing you) sent 1 email to support at start. 1 email to lost. Had a phone call from you a week or so ago. That was only thing I have heard. No points. No refund. No "dont worry brother,you have been loyal, i got you, give me a week" (what ya said on phone)
Still holding out hope on refund or just my dang buds

Order 154655

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:14 pm
by WhiteRabit
I just sent an email to the delay email. I really appreciate the update, thank you. Look forward recieving the package and will continue to do business once it arrives as shit happens.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:15 pm
by WhiteRabit
Ps. In the future if you get logged out after typing out a long message hitting the back button twice will bring you back to your cached message - you can then copy it or hit the submit button if you were logged in after security page and it will post it.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:39 pm
by WhiteRabit
bcbuddy wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:41 am Hey Tony! You say you don't care about what people think and you're not going to defend yourself?

Don't you care about what I think? I was a loyal customer and would like to think you were honest and cared about your clients.

Can't wait for you to open again on July 07 LOL 😉
July 7 was the date of posting for the message that a reopening date would be announced, not the actual reopening date. He hasn't announced the actual reopening date (only a timeframe of within the next few weeks).

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 3:14 pm
by voose64
Why is the McDonald's M yellow?
Looking at the positive psychology qualities of red & yellow in relation to the fast food industry, red triggers stimulation, appetite, hunger, it attracts attention. Yellow triggers the feelings of happiness and friendliness. When you combine red and yellow it's about speed, quickness.
Just an FYI for Tony

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:15 pm
by Buzz's Eatery
I keep checking my points in the cheap weed site hoping that something will be credited and I can make an order soon I hate all this waiting. I wish you would at least reply to my private messages or email so I know what I'm getting refunded and can you make an order even if that's just in the form of extra points or discounts I really don't care at this point

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:44 pm
by cheapweedca
StormCrow wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 11:12 am Been loyal... refused box at post office (cant be a douche screwing you) sent 1 email to support at start. 1 email to lost. Had a phone call from you a week or so ago. That was only thing I have heard. No points. No refund. No "dont worry brother,you have been loyal, i got you, give me a week" (what ya said on phone)
Still holding out hope on refund or just my dang buds

Order 154655
pm'd =D

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:53 pm
by justMe
Hi Cheapweedca - can we talk about Order #155373 sent on June 25, 2019

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 4:57 pm
by TremblayJ
Hi Tony,
I have always ordered from you for several months and I have spent a lot of dollars. For me this drug is actually a medicine, yes yes a real patien who order at home because I like the quality you send me and you at a good price but the I am completely devoid of solution. That's why I would like you to answer but message that I sent you please.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:04 pm
by nish
is there any time frame for people who havent had their items shipped ?

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:53 pm
by Budhunter232323
Damn I hope some of you get your buds/$... And any of you that believe a canada post delivery driver stole over half a million dollars in pot from you...... and not the box was mailed empty ..... Then he's open for business as usual..... See you again real soon I would imagine.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:40 am
by randown
Hi Tony, I ordered on 19 and got an empty box on 25, I advised you by email right away and opened a ticket for you at post office. I noticed the package was empty after the signature and made it open by the post employee. since that say I have no news...I would be happy to order from you again.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:46 am
by randown
my order #151133 placed on 19 received empty on 25, advised you right away, still waiting for your ready to make a new order.


Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:26 pm
by KefkaTheInvesta
Tony and customers affected by this im so sorry. Shouldnt the police help you catch the ddos ransom people?
Wasnt that part of recreational legalization, legitimizing legal recourse for your business. As well as catch the malevolent forces behind your sabotage and robbery.
I said similar things in defense of you like the quantity of money saved buying from you over time negates the hit taken and how this would be counter productive to you growing your business when you could make lots of money continuing what u do.

On the streets other dealers take eachother out to acquire customers seems to me like perhaps this is a grand scheme to dispurse tonys loyal crew. I know i have money ready for another order and im sure lots of other people just want their meds more than their money because idk about you but i cant smoke money.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:07 pm
by bcbuddy
If that was Thier goal... Mission accomplished. Looks like I'm ordering from OKG now. I would also consider this an upgrade 🙂

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:05 pm
by farmingbaked
My order came in! Unshipped order 155903! So happy, thanks for coming through Tony!

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:33 pm
by Buzz's Eatery
does anyone know when he will start to repay us? so far all my emails and pm have been unanswered. this is very uneasy. i worry so much. i would just like one reply saying yes we know you lost a hp and hears how we are gong to replace it...

please tony reply to any of my messages. ive been a loyal customer for awhile and throughout this ordeal. i have never bad mouthed you and i have stuck up for you in posts saying give you time and i know cheapweed will pay us back. so could u please just get back to me?

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 4:01 pm
by Morug
Maybe its a good idea to not put the photo of the company name used by CW on the box if you dont want futur purchase to be identified by theft. Just my opinion.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:23 pm
by WhiteRabit
farmingbaked wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:05 pm My order came in! Unshipped order 155903! So happy, thanks for coming through Tony!

Party at your place? 😉

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:36 pm
by nish
my order #155511 was made at night on the 25th still unshipped and still havent got anything and my order was placed not long before yours and you got yours first ? makes no sense to me how this works... hopefully i get my package soon (mine was just under 1100$) havent even got a reply to my email at delay@cheapweed

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:02 pm
by WhiteRabit
Between the billion hate emails and the affected customers emails, I'm assuming he needs more time to sort it all out. Give him time to respond... I can't even imagine the shit he's dealing with right now so let's be patient.

Believe me, I know how you feel. I've been stuck buying OCS for the past week. It's like smoking dust.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:19 pm
by nish
ya man i hear ya :) im not as crazy as some of these people threatening him and doing crazy stuff guess im more upset how the communication has been... not even a response :( but ya hes probably going through hell as well......

and damn man OCS i dont wish that on my worst enemy i got lots of hookups locally so i never have to do that.... ive only ever ordered from like 4-5 MoMs CW BulkCrop OKG BMWO ChronicVapes (i think that was the name) and maybe like one or two more that didnt stand out

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:11 am
by paulharnish100
order#153056 hp order send video of me and postman at door opening empty box then refusing it, would be nice to hear from you ,tony

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:16 am
by bcbuddy
Sooo... You opened your package right in front of a federal postal worker? 😱

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:23 am
by chubber
Wow, who’s the idiot posting pictures of the outside of the box? Company name and all just right out there. Smooth.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:46 am
by NorthernFarmer
It boggles my mind Tony why you insist on using CP. Reading how CP royally fucked with your business and yet you still want to use them ?!? DID YOU NOT LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES ? How encouraging is it for the customers who actually believe you over CP stealing their packages to re-order from CW for you to RE-USE the same assholes who just robbed you! There’s multiple couriers to use CanPar, UPS, Fedex, DHL...

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:36 am
by bcbuddy
Guys go easy on farmerbaked. He didn't give anyone up... Just saved them a couple of bucks.

It's not like it's some secret site, all someone has to do to get the address is buy something from them. Doesn't have to be illegal or expensive, a couple boveda packs will do the trick 👍

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:38 am
by JimB
I read that he addressed the Canada Post issues. Still not sure what to do in the future, but I did have a lot of trust in Tony. I came to rely on his services and the competition is no competition.

Eagerly awaiting updates to see what happens. Call me stupid, but I am willing to give them another chance.

Tony - keep on working to fix this and I'm sure your favourite clients will return.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:52 am
by bcbuddy
I'm not taking any chances. I've switched to another supplier and don't plan on going back. There are too many great Moms to gamble with this one. There are at least 5 sites with similar pricing too

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:34 pm
by 420md
WhiteRabit wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 5:23 pm
farmingbaked wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:05 pm My order came in! Unshipped order 155903! So happy, thanks for coming through Tony!

Party at your place? 😉
Don’t want to quote you whiterabit .
But the picture was under your post .

Picture like this could get you guys and moms in shit such like what happened to CW. don’t you guys never learn ?
Seriously , don’t show your tracking nor any adresse on the box !

To admin : picture of boxes showing tracking number and details (such as adresse and name ) should be deleted , it will protect you guys and the moms also

Just my 2 cents .

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:59 pm
by U/Fargin_Bastich
JimB wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:38 am Call me stupid, but I am willing to give them another chance.

Tony - keep on working to fix this and I'm sure your favourite clients will return.

I am in the same canoe.

I'll be the canary in the coal mine when Tony says they are back. I have only had two issues with CW and both times they came through to my satisfaction.

CW is the best thing that has happened to me in my weed life. Because of them I have been able to afford enough to make edibles and infused oils and still have enough left over for smoking as well.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:50 pm
by bcbuddy
Do you guys seriously think that Canada post/authorities really want their address and have no way of getting IT? LOL 😅

Like someone is thinking " I wish someone would post the address... If only it didn't cost 30 bucks to find out!"

Yeah I guess 30 bucks is too much money for authorities to spend, thank God you posted the address, otherwise they would be in the dark LOL 😁

Thankfully someone is being a canary 🙂 Let us know if you get anything for your hard earned money.

BTW yes there is competition if you know where to look. Maybe not as much for the cheap Tony select crap, but if you look at CW better strains there are plenty with identical deals. You guys have to remember CW good stuff started at around 425 QP and 750 HP roughly.

Bulk crop just recently had popcorn buds for 205 QP but my girl isn't into indica.

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:05 pm
by cheapweedca
NorthernFarmer wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:46 am It boggles my mind Tony why you insist on using CP. Reading how CP royally fucked with your business and yet you still want to use them ?!? DID YOU NOT LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES ? How encouraging is it for the customers who actually believe you over CP stealing their packages to re-order from CW for you to RE-USE the same assholes who just robbed you! There’s multiple couriers to use CanPar, UPS, Fedex, DHL...
If you understand how other shipping services work and how CP allows us to create our own shipping labels etc,

It only makes sense as it wouldn't be possible to say ship 150 packages using any other courier services.
Maybe another MOM can give you their input on why everyone choose to use CP

- can't really use anyone else, CP is the easiest to ship
- other services cost way too much, we'd have to charge for shipping , clients wouldn't be happy
- there's not many drop off locations entire BC, only canada post

Re: Cheapweed - July 10th 2019 - UPDATE =D

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:14 pm
by bcbuddy
Hey Tony when are you gonna start selling boxes again?

I need some cause my buddy is moving. I got a few from the grocery store, but thought of you since you are well known for your boxes... 😅

Still haven't gotten an email back from you in over 3 weeks. I'd rather buy off someone who cares about clients.🤔

You used to be my go-to place. My wife says I'm stupid if I give you another chance. Must say I see where she's coming from.