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Recommendations Wanted

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:16 pm
by Sydney Carton
My budget for pot is small. Thank God I don't smoke a lot. I'm a sativa guy - either "pure" or sativa-leaning hybrids. I usually buy 5-6 grams at a time, one each of different strains, so that, if I get something I don't like, I'm not stuck with much, and I didn't waste much money on it. Also, if I find something I really like, I can pick up a bit more to have around. But...

I've noticed a few things. Most MOMs copy and paste their descriptions of strains, including THC percentages, and I know from personal experience that those percentages are unreliable, if they don't come from testing done by the grower or the MOM, themselves, on the batch in question. For example: I won't point fingers, but I bought some Pineapple Express awhile back from one MOM, and, as soon as I opened the bag, I knew it was garbage - it smelled like hay, and, when I smoked it, it was just about as potent as hay. Just about. It might have been 'washed,' though I can't say for sure, but I would put the THC content at about no more than 12%, at most. Recently picked up some from another MOM, reluctantly, to round out my order, and, voila! - 25+% THC! Thing is, I paid 10$/g for both; how is this possible? Especially when, in the same order with the hay, I got some Ghost Train Haze that had to be 27%, minumum - for the SAME PRICE! And then, many sites don't include potency numbers, at all, using the 'A-rating' system exclusively, which is just as bad. I know potency isn't the only criteria, but AA, AAA and AAAA mean different things to different people, apparently. 15-20% THC weed might be tasty (probably in the sense of Crystal Light, with that little resin, though...and I'll admit: I prefer Kool Aid), cured well, trimmed well, and grown organically, but it's still weak...and yet some people think that the other criteria justify a AAA+/AAAA rating, and that that mediocre weed should cost 11-15$/g. Personally, no matter the other criteria, if it's 18% THC, and 12$/g, I might as well just go to the liquor store. If it's not gonna get me high, why do I care what kind of cure it has, or if it's trimmed well? If a dealer, or a brick-and-mortar dispensary had tried to sell me that shit, I wouldn't have bought it.

Having spent a great deal of time looking over MOM after MOM, I've made a list of hopefuls, but having made the points above, I don't know who I can trust, and, having tossed some money away a couple times, already, I'm looking for recommendations from people with personal experience. I can't really afford to spend more than I do, and the shipping cost grates on me. I'm not expecting miracles, but if the shipping cost is going to drive up my pot by 2$ a gram, I'd like to feel that, at the end of the day, at least I got good pot for it. I need some MOMs that sell strains in gram increments, not 1/8ths or more, and who, when they make claims about their pot, don't just make them with the hopes you'll swallow the hook and waste your money. Preferably, MOMs with lower shipping costs, but, more than anything, I want QUALITY, and preferably, at a reasonable price.

Any help's appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Re: Recommendations Wanted

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:44 am
by dankrolla
I personally contacted some labs to see about getting testing done and found out that its about $1650 or so per strain to get tested.
It's my understanding that the information being copied and pasted is the average numbers for a strain - on average it'll be 15-20% kind of thing.
But how it's grown and by who (experienced or not, etc.) makes a big difference and I really highly doubt that any of these MoM's are going to spend $1650 per strain to get tested when they can just copy & paste info from leafly or something.
In the end that means for you the customer, getting say pink gas from MoM1 and its fire and then getting pink gas from MoM2 and its absolute shite - same strain, different growers, different thc levels etc.
I have two mendo breaths right now from two totally different places - one is kind of fluffy & purple & white and the other is tight & dense green w/ brown stigmas - they look nothing alike.

Chronicpost had an amazing welcome package but I can't seem to find it on their site - supposed to be 3 grams for free but I believe I got 5 strains and each one was over 1.4g or more (and very good shiz) - doesn't make a difference if they don't have the bundle anymore however.

Most places I know of sell 1/8th or higher - grams are usually limited to sample/welcome packs and/or mixed quarters/ounces.

I haven't ever ordered from this place so I cannot recommend it personally but budhub and all those other places say The Grow House Online Dispensary is where you want to go - they claim its #1 and when I checked, they do sell by grams.
No idea about shipping or anything.

With your tight list of requirements, might be tricky to find that perfect MoM, but I'm sure it's out there

Re: Recommendations Wanted

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:58 pm
by Sydney Carton
dankrolla wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:44 am I personally contacted some labs to see about getting testing done and found out that its about $1650 or so per strain to get tested.
Wow. I knew testing cost, but I didn't expect it to be as high as that. Now I understand why this is a corner so frequently cut.

I've been busy since I wrote this post, searching and winnowing - without the list. I did the list awhile back, when I first was deciding where to buy online, and, after phrasing Google to death, this time around, and encountering sites I'd seen before, but had discarded, for one reason or another, in my naivete, I see I am going to have to go through the list, again, with fresh eyes. But...I have succeeded in arriving at a relatively short list of 'first-placers,' and I wanted to thank you for pointing out The Grow House, because it's on it. And also for the thoughtful response.

Re: Recommendations Wanted

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:09 pm
by dankrolla
I just remembered that MMJ Express does free shipping fridays and sells by the gram - I have two reviews of their flower so far (and more to come)

This would allow you to order just a few different G's and avoid shipping cost and also there's a free eighth on your first order and a preroll on each one afterwards (if you select the coupons)

Worth checking them out IMO