While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

Hey Guys, I am pretty new at this. Would really like some insights.

I usually vape using a Mighty. I use the dosing capsules with 0.15 gr of bud. I start at 170C till 200C and usually get about 3-6 hits before the terpiness taste is gone and replaced with an almost toasty taste. Can anyone with more experience tell me is this normal? Is the bud "done" after 3-6 hits? Thanks.
Last edited by bill1clinton on Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

Keyll wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:54 pm "Doneness" varies based on personal preference. I go until I no longer get vapor or any flavor. Some people go until it's almost black and there's nothing left, others go until it's just a toasty color so they can bake with it.
Ah I see, so the toastiness so quickly is normal? I have experienced this with 2 different strains; 2-3 hits of terpiness and then toastiness.

Re: While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

bill1clinton wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:33 pm Hey Guys, I am pretty new at this. Would really like some insights.

I usually vape using a Mighty. I use the dosing capsules with 0.15 gr of bud. I start at 170C till 200 C and usually get about 3-6 hits before the terpiness taste is gone and replaced with an almost toasty taste. Can anyone with more experience tell me is this normal? Is the bud "done" after 3-6 hits? Thanks.
I go till it’s a little darker brown so that you are not combusting but vaping! If it’s going almost black you are probably smoking it. Whatever you do don’t throw out you vaped weed! Acccumilate it and you can make rso out of it or even bake, or put it into gel caps and eat it. Already vaped weed can have 20-40 % thc still in it. Depending on how long you vape it for. I make rso out of it and it is really good.

Re: While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

xsinx wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:42 am 20-40% is extremely unlikely given the fact 30% is about the max thc weed can have (some growers/strains can break that a bit but 40% is unheard of).

I'd say 5-15% is a more reasonnable expectation.
I don’t mean % of thc in the bud! I mean what’s left over in the vaped weed. I’m going by what articles I’ve read ! All I know is that when I make rso out of the abv weed it’s really good.

Re: While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

bill1clinton wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:27 am I don't really enjoy the toasty taste. After the terpiness is gone, I find myself wanting to swap a new capsule in. The abv itself is still decently golden in color so I figured that it was "done".

I tried smoking a joint but found a very muted flavour with a smoky taste. And I was using much more material (up to 0.5 gr).
It's not close to being done at that point, it would just be starting to vaporize the cannabinoids (THC, etc.) once the terpenes are gone. I used to vape (Extreme Q) flower bowls for 20-30 minutes straight and still would not be using all of the plant's active ingredients. Herbal vaping is a slow process and one of the reasons it's no longer my preferred choice.

If you stop vaping once the terps are gone that's OK but save the terpless buds for other uses like cooking as most of the THC is still inside.

Smoking instead of vaping will have less noticeable flavour so it needs to be properly smelly weed to come through in the smoke. That's why I use smoking a joint as my test for how much terpenes have been preserved over the dry, cure and shipping process.

Re: While vaping, when is the bud "done"?

I buy these large $2 pill bottle things to stock up my ABV and I kinda just... Vape til I don't feel like it. Sometimes I let it go untastefullu toasty if I'm trying to fall asleep to an indica, but mostly I just use the lower settings (3-5) on my OG Solo and I stop when I feel it coming on, or when it stops producing vapor, or when I don't like the taste. Since I'm saving the vaped material to eat later I don't overthink it, if I vape too little now it's just gonna make the pillcaps better later. All kinda averages out, I'd say on average it looks like a light tan leather color overall, some greener some darker but after you mix it up it's whatever.