itsjustasalad wrote: Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:01 pm
Been using scales ever since a rando dealer back in my early twenties shorted me exactly 4g and claimed "i take out all of the stalk, nobody but u complains" Four grams of stalk in an ounce? Sure buddy.
That reminds me of one time I couldn't find weed in my area so I thought I'd go out and find a rando dealer like in the good ol days. I went downtown and bought a "100 bag" off the first guy who smelled like weed, he gave me ten seran wrapped bags in a sandwich bag. Checked it out in my car, lolno. I went back to complain it was short and he said, "those are street grams (0.6g), no one does fulls anymore." I learned a few things that day
I scale every order I get!! Used to need one for street dealers. ^ Now just for my own curiousity but sometimes I get an 8g nug and wanna flex. A scale is only $15 on Amazon, $7 on Fasttech? Why not