Sign Up:
Very simple signup, as far as I can tell no ID required.
Ordering & Pricing:
Ordering is simple and there's some really nice bulk pricing.
Communication was great. They responded very quickly and only a handful of e-mails were ever exchanged.
Pretty standard mailer, but the giant black ziploc inside is a little out of the ordinary.

Products / Photos:
Pacific Cannabis Prerolls
I'm not sure which strain these are, as it isn't labelled and I didn't purchase them. My best guess is Alien OG, maybe Nuken or something else with that similar "Alien" flavor profile.
The pre-rolled joints themselves are fairly small, as you'd expect from a half gram joint. But they have a pretty nice taste, and seem to be rolled with actual bud instead of trim or shake or whatever else other places throw into prerolls. They're also actually smokeable, as they are rolled loose enough that I can smoke it without pulling so hard I give myself a headache, which is awesome. Saved me a lot of time rolling joints for my girlfriend yesterday.

GGC is a strain I'm pretty familiar with and this was a solid representation of it.
I received a nice dense, frosty nug with a strong smell that I have a hard time describing. It's quite earthy, but also a little sour.
The high isn't as potent as some other GGC I've smoked, but it was strong enough to get the job done. Pretty lazy feeling, representative of a lot of indica strains.
The trim job on this bud was impeccable, the smoke is pretty smooth, and the ash is nice and clean burning.
I'd rate this strain a solid 8/10 AAA+, I enjoyed it.

This Death Bubba has a very pungent gassy/kush smell, the smoke is a little harsh on the throat, but it's clean burning and enjoyable regardless.
The single nug that I received is large and dense (weighing roughly 3 grams) with some awesome color.
The high was an enjoyable buzz that wasn't quite couch lock inducing, but definitely didn't make me want to get up and do some work.
I'd say this and the GGC are very comparable strains quality-wise, although they're definitely different strains 7.5/10 AAA

I'd say this is likely the lowest quality of the strains I received, the nugs are small, close to being popcorn sized, and they aren't the most visually appealing.
It has a nice sweet flavor, but the buds are quite dry and airy, the smoke is pretty harsh and the high isn't as strong as the other strains from PC.
With that said, it's being sold for a low pound price, and for the price it's being sold at it's more than worth it. Something I'll keep in mind for the future.
There is nothing that stands out as being "wrong" with this weed, and I'm sure many people would really enjoy it, it just seems that everything about it is subpar compared to higher quality stuff. I'll say it's 6/10 AA in my opinion.

I've seen a lot of great reviews of Red Congo, and while I wasn't disappointed by any means, I don't think this version of it lives up to that AAAA hype.
The smell is incredibly pungent, and is amazingly sweet. I really, really enjoy the smell and taste of this strain and for me that's the standout quality of it.
The buds themselves however are quite small, and a touch less dry than I'd like, with a less than stellar trim, and a less than perfect cure that leaves a little bit to be desired.
I'm going to keep a lookout for this strain going forward, because it really stands out to me with it's flavor profile, and I'd love to try a 10/10 AAAA version of it, but as it stands right now, this version was more like 7/10 AAA it's definitely no slouch, and I wouldn't suggest it to a beginner. I just think there's probably better Red Congo out there.

This strain really surprised me. I have smoked Sour Tangie once before, and it was complete ass. It tasted bad, looked bad, and I didn't enjoy the high.
That was not the case with this version of it. This version has a wonderfully strong, sweet/sour smell that is reminiscent of some sort of lemon candy.
The trim is not the best, but the buds are a nice bright green, with a taste that I'm in love with, and the high is a fantastic uplifting sativa buzz that's currently being put to use writing this review. I generally prefer Indica to Sativa, and that's still the case. But this is a very enjoyable sativa strain. 7.5/10 AAA

Last but not least, the Violator Kush.
I was a bit disappointed by this one. I've seen some pics on here of Violator from other sources, and even tried it once before myself and it was higher quality than this version.
It has a sour smell, albeit a fairly light one, the nugs are not trimmed exceptionally well, and they're pretty dry.
The high is a decently strong lazy feeling buzz, but it wasn't extremely long lasting, nor was it incredibly potent. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
I don't think I'd purchase this strain myself, but I'm sure there are a ton of people who would love it. In my opinion I'd say it's like a 6.5/10 AA+ I don't like being too critical, but it's kind of the whole point of a review.

There's some awesome bulk pricing. Not sure if there are any coupon codes, or first time discounts or anything.
Incentive for Review:
I was sent this pack in return for writing the review.
Nothing from Pacific Cannabis stood out as top quality, AAAA level stuff. But the nice bulk prices would never lead me to believe they were trying to push it as AAAA anyways. They seem to stay away from grades and ratings on the site, and are honest and upfront about it.
In regards to quality compared to price, I'd definitely come back in the future.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Stay on the lookout for an upcoming review of 8 different strains of Budder from SpeedGreens.