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Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

** These samples were provided free of charge. As usual, I did not let that fact affect my review, but if you have issues with free stuff reviews, well walk on my friend **

MOM Name Apex Supply

Overall rating out of 10: 8/10

Sign Up: Didn't sign up or even go to the site, Raw offered me samples on Discord and it all went down through DMs.

Ordering & Pricing: Didn't really check his site but I hear the buds are on the expensive side, with some as much as 320$/oz. I think I saw someone mention the Ice Cream Cake (which I got some of) was a 320$ OZ. No idea on the price of others, went to the site real quick and none of them are listed there yet, so hard to evaluate price.

Communication: Raw is a damn nice guy, responsive, cool, zero complaints.

Packaging: He used glass jars for four of the stains and 1 plastic jar for another. All of them were in vacuum bags, which were in turn in a carboard box. Only complaint here is that one of the jars broke during transport, despite the box looking intact. Perhaps some bubble or shipping popcorn inside the box would have helped, or perhaps the jars are particularly fragile, hard to say. The weather was GOD DAMN COLD during the shipping so that might have played into it as well.

Products / Photos:

Before going further, I have to say I've had a very hard time with this review. I haven't had too many GSC or crosses before and each of them I really didn't enjoy much, to me they taste very peppery and don't have much else to offer. Others report it's sweet tasting, I don't get that at all, from any of them. I've come to realize, after talking to a lot of people, that the main terps in GSC seem to really be tasted differently by different people, kind of like Cilantro, or that black dress/gold dress drama from a while back. So take this review with a grain of salt, I seem to not have the proper taste buds to fully appreciate GSC... GSC lovers would probably be in heaven with most of these!

Ice Cream Cake:
Absolutely beautiful bud, nice purple hues, looks very similar to Angel Cookies or FC GSC. The nose has a very strong predominance of pepper for me and not much else, it's not unpleasant, smells real good, it's not particularly pungent. The smoke of this one wasn't very enjoyable for me, it was a bit bitter/harsh, peppery (grabbed the back of my nose and almost made me sneeze every puff). Not much else taste wise came through. Buzz was good, but not overly strong. This is a 6/10 for me at best.

Sweet Tarts:
Got tiny buds, hard to comment on the looks. This is the only non-GSC strain in the lot and it has a real nice floral/slightly piney/woodsy nose, very nice smelling, but on the faint side, really not a strong smell. Busting it up did bring out the nose a bit, but it still was on the faint side. This is the sample for which the jar broke and I don't think it had a boveda, it was definitely a bit dry and sub-popcorn buds. Smoking it unfortunately I could not get much out of it, slight harshness, mostly smoke taste, just about zero terps coming through. I can't really give this more than a 5/10 because of the lacking terps.

Gelato 45:
Looked and smelled good (actually, best looking of the lot IMHO), humidity was proper, but the nose wasn't very strong. Smoking it was very similar to the Ice Cream Cake, almost a carbon copy of it, but the taste was slightly less good. I actually had half a joint left of the Ice Cream Cake when I smoked this one and I re-lit it to compare, the ICC was definitely a bit better taste-wise. Not impressed, was my first time with gelato. 6/10.

Cookie Cake:
(sorry missed the trich shot on this one for some reason)
Very nice colors on this bud, nose was a bit faint but kinda came out stronger when busting it up. First impressions on the smoke is this is some damn SMOOTH smoke, the kind of weed you can take HUGE rips and get zero harshness, one of the smoothest weed I've had the pleasure to smoke. The taste profile was pretty tame, but the further I got along the joint, the more complex it became. I've tasted hints of coffee, sweetness, wood, spice, the last few puffs of the joint were a total roallercoaster. All those tastes were very subtle, nothing strong or bold, a very delicate and complex taste that I enjoyed a lot. It's definitely not my favorite terp range, but I can really appreciate the quality of it. This is getting a 9/10 from me, one of the highest notes I've ever given in my reviews.

Cuppachina Cake:

Nice looking buds. This shared a lot of similarities all over with the Cookie Cake, both in looks, nose and taste. It was slightly less enjoyable than the cookie cake but by a tiny margin, the taste was just a little less intricate. Still a 8.5/10 for me, good smoke.

Incentive for Customers: No idea

Incentive for Review: Samples were offered for free, review was the least I could do.

Notes: None of these strains are on the menu, he told me they would be in the next few weeks.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:49 pm Thanks for your honest review as I am looking for top quality flower and as mentioned at $300+ an oz. I think I will pass on these guys, true quads only for me nothing lower than 9/10 scoring should be priced that high. IMHO
If you've been following me, 9/10 is pretty much a record rating from me... That Cookie Cake was the best GSC cross I've had. Not a fan of GSC to begin with, but I imagine fans of that strain would cream their pants.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:49 pm Thanks for your honest review as I am looking for top quality flower and as mentioned at $300+ an oz. I think I will pass on these guys, true quads only for me nothing lower than 9/10 scoring should be priced that high. IMHO
One persons review doesn't make a proper rating especially when the person is biased vs. Cookie strains. Taste is subjective but play a sheep it's cool your loss not mine. :)

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:03 pm "sheep" eh ? name calling is the best you could come up with ? That one persons review is from a well respected member here so if it is biased show me an unbiased positive review of your product and make me believe that your product is worth such a demanding price.
I believe the OP stated he is not a fan of GSC crosses and his review follows that. Maybe someone who loves it would rate higher. Many reviews lead to more consensus on overall appeal of a product. Basing things on one slightly biased review and not taking that into consideration going forward makes no sense. Need a second opinion without the bias.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

I'd just like to state that I've done everything I possibly could to review objectively, despite my dislike of GSC strains. I'm really a bit perplexed by them to be honest, some people describe sweetness and vanilla and none of the 10 or so GSC crosses I tried had even the slightest hint of either of those. It's entirely possible the lower rated strains here might be me not registering some tastes at all.

I would agree that second/third+ opinions should always be taken into account when rating any product. Everyone knows I'm generally pretty harsh when reviewing products, but also objectively so. My bias, reflected in this review, is not personal taste, as much as possibly physiological, if there is indeed one.

Bottom line is 3 of those strains were mostly harsh/bitter to the taste with nothing much to redeem that. The other 2 were smooth and nice to smoke, even if the terp profile is not one I enjoy particularly. The fact I rated a GSC cross 9/10 goes to prove I've been objective in rating it. Despite it being a 9/10, it's not a product I would buy again and there are many lesser rated products (from other MOMs) I do buy again because of personal taste.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:06 pm I am not here to MoM bash but calling me a sheep for respecting xsinx's honesty in his review biased or not is uncalled for and weak tbh.
I’m with you man. Calling someone a sheep for listening to another respected member’s opinion is pretty low if you ask me. I don’t think quadzilla is a sheep for not wanting to pay $320 for an oz of harsh tasting weed, even if that is only one persons opinion.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Keyll wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:50 pm I love cookie crosses, all of these look amazing to me. I wouldn't pay $320 an ounce either but I hope I get the chance to review a couple of these nugs and give a different perspective in the future.

But yes, as it stands, this is still a very positive, generous review from xsinx.
Also Apex is gonna get some more millage out of these samples, I sent what I had left of the 3 strains I liked less to coughsyrup from Discord (not sure if he's on the forum or not?). Curious to see how he likes them :)

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:03 pm "sheep" eh ? name calling is the best you could come up with ? That one persons review is from a well respected member here so if it is biased show me an unbiased positive review of your product and make me believe that your product is worth such a demanding price.
I'm sorry for how i reacted to your comment things have been trying in my personal life recently and I don't always handle myself properly angry at other situations contact me and I'll be sure to send something your way as compensation for my uncalled for words.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

I understand that personal life gets in the way of business and stress/frustration causes us to do/say things we may regret later. I took this as a personal attack and responded as such...was not my intention to cause so much drama in a MoM review. I accept your apology and I am sorry for questioning your product/services with out personally giving you a try . Moving forward I wish you the best in your endeavors and congrats on the arrival of your newborn baby girl 👍

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:03 pm "sheep" eh ? name calling is the best you could come up with ? That one persons review is from a well respected member here so if it is biased show me an unbiased positive review of your product and make me believe that your product is worth such a demanding price.
LOL exactly. Fuck this guy, that comment ensured I’ll never order this other priced early harvested shit.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:37 am I understand that personal life gets in the way of business and stress/frustration causes us to do/say things we may regret later. I took this as a personal attack and responded as such...was not my intention to cause so much drama in a MoM review. I accept your apology and I am sorry for questioning your product/services with out personally giving you a try . Moving forward I wish you the best in your endeavors and congrats on the arrival of your newborn baby girl 👍
Nice that this can be concluded in a friendly manner :)

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

Quadzilla wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:37 am I understand that personal life gets in the way of business and stress/frustration causes us to do/say things we may regret later. I took this as a personal attack and responded as such...was not my intention to cause so much drama in a MoM review. I accept your apology and I am sorry for questioning your product/services with out personally giving you a try . Moving forward I wish you the best in your endeavors and congrats on the arrival of your newborn baby girl 👍
/close thread lol

Good to see apex realized he probably shouldn’t of lashed out like that. We all make mistakes and regret things we’ve done..esp when we are under stress.

We’re all just looking for the best weed possible for our budget. It’s nothing personal.

Congrats on the new girl, wish her the best in health.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

flowerpowerhour wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:45 pm This thread is hilarious... Nobody should be taking xsinx reviews seriously. He smokes two joints a week and thinks he can talk about potency.. He's like the Roger Ebert of weed reviews, harsh beyond the point of even being "critical."
Guess you're a fan of Mirkalane-style reviews where everything is flowers and sprinkles, 5/5 notes on all strains with an occasional 5.5/5 when he actually gets good stuff. I tell it how it is, I'm not fishing for freebies like half the reviewers on here by bloating meh weed to ridiculous proportions :) But hey, to each his opinion, and I respect yours. I've been smoking daily for 30 years, if my opinion isn't good enough, I don't know what is.

Re: Apex Supply review - 5 flower samples

flowerpowerhour wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:06 pm
xsinx wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:58 pm
flowerpowerhour wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:45 pm This thread is hilarious... Nobody should be taking xsinx reviews seriously. He smokes two joints a week and thinks he can talk about potency.. He's like the Roger Ebert of weed reviews, harsh beyond the point of even being "critical."
Guess you're a fan of Mirkalane-style reviews where everything is flowers and sprinkles, 5/5 notes on all strains with an occasional 5.5/5 when he actually gets good stuff. I tell it how it is, I'm not fishing for freebies like half the reviewers on here by bloating meh weed to ridiculous proportions :) But hey, to each his opinion, and I respect yours. I've been smoking daily for 30 years, if my opinion isn't good enough, I don't know what is.
You're so cancerous it's unbelievable. All I've seen from you on this forum is you talking down to other people, or acting like a condescending cunt. Grow up dude.