Rec Meds -
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Package/shipping - In a standard bag with a single seal layer within preventing the pungent skunk aroma from escaping. Came from BC. Ordered on Friday, arrived Wednesday–reasonable turnaround time.
Perks - $99 ounce. This package was not provided in exchange for a review, it's their usual deal, anyone can buy it.
Customer Service - This purchase is in fact because I was in communication with the Recmeds guy for a while. He insisted they just hired the same web developer as the Sabrina’s World people. I have no idea how he’d be if something went wrong, but he seemed nice enough in the interaction I had. I did say I was going to give them a try at some point and review. Now I’m following up on that promise to you people.
Edibles - Gummy coke bottles are one of my favorite candies. These taste like the candy I love. No weedy taste. Not particularly potent, but eating a few of them did give me a zing later on as an edible should, I would say it was more of a head high than a body high. Nice freebie, I wouldn’t buy them but I’ll eat them since you sent them, basically.
Bud -
Citrus Skunk - 7.7/10
This is a $99 ounce and it is EXTREMELY competitive.
Fresh and sticky, huge buds, nice smooth creamy citrus flavor with a lil skunkiness, especially in the smell. It’s overall extremely pleasant to vaporize and a nice smoke, though I would say it’s a bit too fresh / not quite cured enough to be a flawless smoke. The potency is not “high”. This is more like a 15-17%. The trim isn't perfect. So I’d say this is in the AAA range. Mids, but nice ones. Very reasonable daily use option, but not craft. Bag appeal’s there. They’re not crushed, compressed, dry, crumbly. There is an aroma without having to break the buds apart; breaking them requires a grinders because of how sticky and large the petals are, and the nugs are easy to manage. I’ve gone through several grams of it and found no seeds, and keep reaching for it again and again…
The high takes a bit to build and it’s a reasonable daytime high. I like it because it’s cheap, tastes great, and accompanies my day without throwing me off into paranoia like an extremely potent sativa might.
Having tried other budget ounces, this one is alarmingly high quality. Would not be shocked to see this for $50 more on another site. I would buy it again, and I will consider trying some of their other strains to see if they match up in quality or if this is just a fluke.