Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

I just posted a review which was promptly silenced from the Reddit MegaThread–not deleted, mind you, because I can still see it–but silenced, because other people cannot. I assume this was done so that I would be less likely to notice it happened. That ain't cool. I think people deserve to know the Megathread is being cultivated by someone to appear in favor of specific MoMs. I might not have noticed because it shows up for me! Unfortunately I shared my review with a friend who was like "hey I can't see it!" OOPS.

This has not happened to any of my other reviews, some of which are "free package reviews" (which some people would consider to be shilling and worthy of silencing) but to a normal purchase review. I guess I gave a positive opinion of the wrong MoM? Uncool, yo. I made this thread on Reddit too but I suspect if there are mods there who are secretly hiding reviews of the "wrong MoMs" they'll get rid of that so I'm making it here too.

I just think people should know. I think that's super shady.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

xsinx wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 11:23 pm If you're new to that sub or have just been lurking, I think they have moderation on the first few posts you make, or if your karma is too low.
I'm not and it's not. They have informed me they have moderation on all posts with links and I just haven't noticed it before. Perhaps I am overly concerned. I do like to make conspiracies out of... most things... >_>

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread


What you've described is what happens when a person is shadowbanned on Reddit. Try and post in that sub I listed, if it comes back with a positive hit, they will give you the link for the full test.

If you are shadowbanned, contact the admins from another account. They won't receive your requests from the account that is banned.

Here's the link to the test if you don't want to wait for the sub bot to reply:

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

if you change the R in Reddit to Ceddit, in the URL you can see all the deleted content. ... egathread/
This trick works everywhere on reddit.

Judging by the "Censored in 1 second" posts, they are running filters to remove certain posts automatically.

Next time you post a review, make up the company name, let it get approved, then change the name to the suspected name.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

Ridikilous wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:19 pm if you change the R in Reddit to Ceddit, in the URL you can see all the deleted content. ... egathread/
This trick works everywhere on reddit.
Since you mentioned it, you can also add the word moved between RE and DIT to do the same :) ... egathread/

Started using removeddit when ceddit started going wonky on me. Found removeddit worked better than ceddit imo.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

I had a few questions for the Mods there via PM. They are definitely not a KT fan at all. They don't allow me to post anything period.

Nothing but good vibes on there lately for us, so that's nice.

It's the WIld West there and their Sherrif's are bought for sure. There is no doubt in my mind at all. Hopefully we continue to kill them with good reviews for us :)

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

Well, very shortly after I posted this here, the deleted messages got added back. The mod there said it was an automatic removal, but they were definitely doing so by hand as well.

My comments got the same treatment. I also got a few PMs telling me that it's not an isolated incident. Best we can do, is watch out for it.

Keeping a consistently good product offering, and great customer service is the best way to deal with that bullshit. Thanks for what you do!

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

Quite honestly I think it was a big coincidence that you mentioned scrubbed posts and referenced the two websites. It is pretty sketchy that it happened around the same time but i really doubt mods there DON'T know about ceddit or removedit (or any other similar scrubbing sites). Then again, I can't always see the future 100% clearly either and I could be wrong.

On a completely unrelated note, I tried taking a pic of my KT Pink Kush to post but the iPad camera makes it come out all grainy and I can't get a decent picture. Maybe later tonight I can make some love happen at a friends (strictly platonic).

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

foutchi wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:36 pm I stopped using the megathread also, way too often we're downvoted for disagreeing with others. It looks like the people on that sub are there for their own agenda and if you don't think like them you're always wrong. I rather get my reviews here !
Yeah , I agree the megathread is pretty dominated by a few moms. everything elses gets downvoted

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

Like I posted in another thread, I'm done with the subreddit.

Nothing worse then taking the time to write a well thought out review only to have it sit at -1 because some chucklefuck is shilling another site and diwnvotes yours.

Reddit should have a function that makes you input a brief reason for a downvote. It would stop a lot of this imo.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

Sensfan44 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:55 am Like I posted in another thread, I'm done with the subreddit.

Nothing worse then taking the time to write a well thought out review only to have it sit at -1 because some chucklefuck is shilling another site and diwnvotes yours.

Reddit should have a function that makes you input a brief reason for a downvote. It would stop a lot of this imo.
Completely agree here to the point I auto UPVOTE all posts just to try to even the playing field... 3 hours on a review to be left with no reasoning as to why it was not preferred (or even what they would RATHER see... rather they see their company do great (...Jj....)

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

JD17 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:45 am
Otownkush wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:13 am Reddit is a joke... Got downvoted because I said skyhigh had better value than the wholesome monkey. LOL. The megathread is even funnier, idiots pretending to be a monkey sending out brown weed and even dumber customers shilling it for $10 off their next order 🙈🙈💚💚
BUT ITS KOKO🙊🙉🙈💚💚 /s
They actually have multiple accounts posing as regulars on there. They’ll go thread from thread either bashing all other moms, posting reviews or recommendations for TWM in literally 90% of their posts. OnForTheLoveofMom and buttdude86 are two of their accounts and I know there’s more. I want to bring it to the attention of others because it hurts the community. The rebranding of their site just to “buy back” their old site... it’s so fishy.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

JBC wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:58 am
JD17 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:45 am
Otownkush wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:13 am Reddit is a joke... Got downvoted because I said skyhigh had better value than the wholesome monkey. LOL. The megathread is even funnier, idiots pretending to be a monkey sending out brown weed and even dumber customers shilling it for $10 off their next order 🙈🙈💚💚
BUT ITS KOKO🙊🙉🙈💚💚 /s
They actually have multiple accounts posing as regulars on there. They’ll go thread from thread either bashing all other moms, posting reviews or recommendations for TWM in literally 90% of their posts. OnForTheLoveofMom and buttdude86 are two of their accounts and I know there’s more. I want to bring it to the attention of others because it hurts the community. The rebranding of their site just to “buy back” their old site... it’s so fishy.
Since it is known that shit Moms are doing this using shill accounts, I don't understand why people are bothered by downvotes
Share good information if you have it and if you care about spreading the word. It is helpful to track known accounts
Don't let bad businesses e-bully you into silence so they can continue sending out bad product under new names like 6ix
Last edited by KeepingItReal on Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

KeepingItReal wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:41 am
JBC wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:58 am
JD17 wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2019 7:45 am

BUT ITS KOKO🙊🙉🙈💚💚 /s
They actually have multiple accounts posing as regulars on there. They’ll go thread from thread either bashing all other moms, posting reviews or recommendations for TWM in literally 90% of their posts. OnForTheLoveofMom and buttdude86 are two of their accounts and I know there’s more. I want to bring it to the attention of others because it hurts the community. The rebranding of their site just to “buy back” their old site... it’s so fishy.
Since it is known that shittier Moms are doing this using shill accounts, I don't understand why people are bothered by downvotes
Share good information if you have it and if you care about spreading the word. It is helpful to track known accounts
Don't let bad businesses e-bully you into silence so they can continue sending out bad product under new names like 6ix
Exactly my though process and why I continue to post my reviews both here and there. Here we are so much more constructive in the sense of trying to work on things together (I still continue to try to alter my reviews to be more critical due to your guys suggestions). There you can be almost auto downvoted 12 times, then see another one at +12 with A PARAGRAPH of information.
But I'll ignore that and continue on as the MoMs themselves have said they still help them in the way they run, price their product etc, which in turn helps our community.

Re: Corruption in the Reddit Megathread

KeepingItReal wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 11:41 am
Since it is known that shit Moms are doing this using shill accounts, I don't understand why people are bothered by downvotes
Share good information if you have it and if you care about spreading the word. It is helpful to track known accounts
Don't let bad businesses e-bully you into silence so they can continue sending out bad product under new names like 6ix
I’ll keep fighting the good fight. I’m not here to start arguments with people but I legitimately want to make this community the best I can just through spreading my opinions and knowledge. I honestly hate seeing new users getting taken advantage of simply because they haven’t been around long enough and read these fake reviews that are nothing but praise for their shitty weed. I know some people are here for medicinal reasons which is very close to my heart so if I can help protect those people I’m all for it 👊.

Those users I mentioned literally have page after page of “Oh go check out TWM they’re the best!!” “10/10” for every review and every other mom they mention they had a bad experience or bad product. It’s so obvious to me, they absolutely need to be purged.