Issue resolvedxsinx wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:56 pmYou also have to have realistic expectations when it comes to service. Of course most places will give you the run around to make sure you aren't just annoying. Lots of clients are absolutely annoying and about the slightest things. We've seen quite a few members who systematically call everything they get mold, badly flushed, smelling foul, etc. Just to get refunds and free weed.power_of_woman wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:39 pmThis weed moisture seems to be the perfect, not too wet not too dry.xsinx wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:20 pm I'd just like to chime in. Black just means it didn't burn well and there are tons of reasons weed can burn black. It doesn't mean it's a bad flush or contaminated product. It could just be too humid... How are those 2 strains that are problematic? Dry? Damp? Clog the grinder damp?
I've had awesome weed that burned dark and burned well, didn't taste harsh. I've had white ash weed that tasted like ass and didn't burn well.
All that said you are right to complain about weed not burning well. I've had an OZ before MOMs that was like that and it was annoying as fuck.
And god damn it's quite annoying lighting a joint every 5 seconds, after every pull I take off a joint it needs to be lit again. I guess because I'm a first-time customer getting in on tthe speedgreens Canada Day sale they had no care and just gave 2 quarters a good weed and 2 quarters of crap. And the free 3.5gram sample for signing up was also black ash. I know this community is very helpful so I decided to make the post I see if there's any type of help that I can get or suggestions. At this point I feel stuck. It's 10:40 in the morning in BC and I feel like the manager of speedgreens turned into a ghost. The last email I received from them was at 3:30 in the morning Toronto time.
I thought I did some good research on speedgreens but it looks like my research wasn't good enough.
Your last email was less than 12 hours ago, this is a monday morning, they prob busy as hell. Allow 24h for replies and making a stink in here or elsewhere won't draw you any sympathy especially if you do not give them the time to correct things.
Just trying to help, don't take it the wrong way.
Re: Currently being scammed by another site?
Last edited by power_of_woman on Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.