A place for MoM's to show off pics or vids of their killer product.
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Ridikilous wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:24 am Hey Dude,

Sorry if this has been asked already, I couldn't find the answer by searching...

Will you be selling shatter by the gram in the future? OR will 3.5g be the smallest split?
It's a bloody great question! We have been dealing with a growth spurt lately and having to use the manpower or womanpower we have as best as we can. Processing, Sorting, Pre-Packing and Shipping takes time. We have the people to do what we can offer right now BUT we are in the midst of moving to a larger location, hiring a team to just Process and Pre-Pack :) That being said, once we're up and running again, Shatter by the gram will be available very shortly after that :) We just need to get some new staff trained up and ready to go! We also just purchased a BUNCH of new branded (logo's) bags for the smaller variations of products.

Long winded, yes. The answer is yes, in a very short time!

We will also be offering the end of shatter packs that come in, the shards I guess you can say. It will be a mix of all the pieces of shatter we have left that are not in little slabs and sell that at an EXCELLENT deal! That's gonna be a HOT SELLER! We have a bunch saved up for that :)