*Posts in this section are user generated only, MoM's can comment on posts made but may not start post themselves.
*Posts MUST contain at least 1 photo of the product being reviewed.
*Posts MUST be thorough enough to offer others some context of the products. 1-2 line reviews may be removed at the admins discretion.


Hey everyone this is first official review of a mom on here and hopefully one of many more. I just copied other format reviews I've seen on here so I'll give it a shot :)

Would like some feed back on how my first review on here went as well ! Thank you and keep smoking that 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Strain Name:
Pink Death
Strain Fidelity:
100% Indica
Size of buds:
Large and medium
Cure & Humidity:
Dry and sticky when busting it up
Smell Intensity:
Smells very gassy like an indica should
Harshness vs Smoothness:
Pretty smooth but has a nice kick at the end if you toke it like how I do. I like things that make me cough when holding it in.
Taste Intensity:
Has a nice pink/kushy taste
Buzz Intensity:
Nice and heavy and couch locking like an indica should do. I like heavy coach lockers so if this is what you like I recommend trying.
220 an oz
Depends what you want to spend on an ounce of weed. This is on the higher end of the spectrum for flowers but you get what you pay for. I smoke less quantity then I would getting something not as strong for cheaper so it ends up being around the same if I were to get cheaper but have to smoke more of it to get my buzz.
"A" Scale Rating:

Potency 8.9/10 – Gave me a nice couch lock feeling and that feeling of getting knocked on my ass
Aroma 8.5/10 – Nice and gassy
Flavor 10/10 -
Value 8.5/10 – I have tried stronger Indicas before but its still in the high AAAA range I like to smoke
IMG-20191116-WA0008.jpg (235.71 KiB) Viewed 4353 times

Re: Cannabis-kings.ca

Otownkush wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 11:18 am
Bing wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:00 am Nice first review; I like the bud criterion you chose. Only thing I’d suggest is having a look at the review template and adopting some of those points for next time. Thanks for contributing!
It is one of the templates lol
For bud yes, but a lot of people are neglecting the general formatting...

"MOM Name:
Overall rating out of 10:

Sign Up:
Ordering & Pricing:
Products / Photos:
Incentive for Customers:
Incentive for Review:

Re: Cannabis-kings.ca

Hi, sorry for not reviewing properly.

"MOM Name:
Overall rating out of 10: I would say my experience was an overall 9

Sign Up: Signing up was easy and I would say just the same as any other mom
Ordering & Pricing: Ordering was easy
Communication: Was quick and prompt responses via email
Packaging: Was boxed good and did not smell anything marijuana related. It was sealed in a plastic silver bag and then again resealed in its own smell proof individual baggy.
Incentive for Customers: I used discount code new20 for 20 percent off
Incentive for Review: No incentive just doing it for first time review hopefully will do more of other moms later on

Re: Cannabis-kings.ca

Bing wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:57 am
Quadhunter89 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:36 am Hi, sorry for not reviewing properly.
No apologies necessary! There’s no one “proper way,” we just suggest the review template as it covers most of the pertinent information when reviewing a MOM. Your contribution is very much appreciated. :)
Thank you for your kind input I will be making more reviews in the future :)

Re: Cannabis-kings.ca

BuckyBass wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:13 pm I have been hearing a lot of great things about this MOM I'll be putting in an order ASAP

Yes which imo is sort of hard to find these days as there is so many moms popping up. What I have noticed is that it is a hit or a miss. When you find 1 or 2 or 3 you like rotate between them or stick with them because you know what exactly you are going to get.

I went on for a long time like most people probably ordering from different sites and I would be happy with 1 and unhappy with the next and it was inconsistent.
Glad my post could help you! :)