Overall rating out of 10: 2
Sign Up: No ID required, etc. Just home address.
Ordering & Pricing: Free gram and edible giveaway.
Communication: Website.
Packaging: In an envelope. No sender's address (though on my friend's package the week before, there was a personal name and address). The edible was wrapped in saran wrap and the gram was in a baggie. Both were in a vacuum sealed plastic (the items in my friend's package were not vacuum sealed). There was a small strip of fabric softener sheet to mask the smell. As I knew this package would have the sheet, I wore a ventilator mask and gloves to open it (Fabric softener and similar strong fragrances trigger severe migraines and skin contact can cause hives).
Products / Photos:

Incentive for Review: To warn those with similar fragrance/chemical sensitivities to be careful when opening. To suggest people try the free gram first before investing in large quantities.
Notes: The strain wasn't identified. Thankfully, the bud did not smell like the softener sheet like my friend's delivery last week.
Popcorn buds. The bud had a weird texture. It reminded me of Drum tobacco when it was broken up. Dry, yet slightly sticky. There was almost no odour. It had a very unpleasant taste. The ash burned dark. There was a bad smell when it burned. It was very harsh and hurt my lungs. I put it out after a few tokes. I won't be able to finish this product.
I do not recommend this product (whatever strain it was). I do not know if all their bud is like this or just the stuff they're giving away for free.
The edible had no list of ingredients, no expiration date, etc. Also, the cookie had M & Ms or Smarties in them. Chocolate triggers migraines for me so I won't be able to try it.