Our Batch Test Results: THC: 27% / CBD: .2%
** Scored 96% in overall THC Content and Terpene Profile compared to other Rockstar strains tested **
Test Notes: Strong Indica Markers
WAS $195 / oz NOW $117
WAS $107 / 1/2 oz NOW $64
WAS $28 $17 /1/8th oz NOW $17
CLEARBLUEBERRY: 40% off Blueberry:
Our Batch Test Results: THC: 26.9% / CBD: .3%
** Scored 94% in overall THC Content and Terpene Profile compared to other Blueberry strains tested **
Test Notes: High Terpenes
WAS $195 / oz NOW $117
WAS $107 / 1/2 oz NOW $64
WAS $28 $17 /1/8th oz NOW $17
CLEARKK: 25% off Kosher Kush
Our Batch Test Results: THC: 16.6% / CBD: .1%
** Scored 81% in overall THC Content and Terpene Profile compared to other Kosher Kush strains tested **
Test Notes: None
WAS $160 / oz NOW $125
WAS $85 / 1/2 oz NOW $64
WAS $21 / 1/8th oz NOW $16
CLEARCHEESE: 30% off God's Blue Cheese
Our Batch Test Results: THC: 20.1% / CBD: .3%
** Scored 92% in overall THC Content and Terpene Profile compared to other God's Blue Cheese strains tested **
Test Notes: High Terpenes
WAS $180 / oz NOW $126
WAS $95 / 1/2 oz NOW $66
WAS $23 / 1/8th oz NOW $16
CLEARGUM: 25% off SGE Gummy Edibles
Pack of 4 / 50mg THC Distillate ea
WAS $20 per pack NOW $15